6 Robot arm usage scenario case

This chapter presents classic robotic arm use cases to demonstrate the application of the product in representative scenarios. This includes typical applications of robotic arms in different fields, highlighting the product's versatility and applicability. Through these cases, users can gain an in-depth understanding of the flexibility and performance of the robotic arm in practical applications, providing a reference for their application in specific scenarios.

Mobile grabbing wooden block case

Related dependency files are available at https://github.com/elephantrobotics/mercury_demo to download

import time
from pymycobot import Mercury
from uvc_camera import UVCCamera
from marker_utils import *
import stag

# Gripper tool length
Tool_LEN = 175
# Distance from camera center to flange
Camera_LEN = 78
np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, formatter={'float_kind': '{:.2f}'.format})
# Camera configuration file
camera_params = np.load("src/camera_params.npz")
mtx, dist = camera_params["mtx"], camera_params["dist"]
# QR code size
# Set left arm port
ml = Mercury("/dev/left_arm")

# Convert rotation matrix to Euler angles
def CvtRotationMatrixToEulerAngle(pdtRotationMatrix):
    pdtEulerAngle = np.zeros(3)
    pdtEulerAngle[2] = np.arctan2(pdtRotationMatrix[1, 0], pdtRotationMatrix[0, 0])
    fCosRoll = np.cos(pdtEulerAngle[2])
    fSinRoll = np.sin(pdtEulerAngle[2])
    pdtEulerAngle[1] = np.arctan2(-pdtRotationMatrix[2, 0],
                                  (fCosRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[0, 0]) + (fSinRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[1, 0]))
    pdtEulerAngle[0] = np.arctan2((fSinRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[0, 2]) - (fCosRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[1, 2]),
                                  (-fSinRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[0, 1]) + (fCosRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[1, 1]))
    return pdtEulerAngle

# Convert Euler angles to rotation matrix
def CvtEulerAngleToRotationMatrix(ptrEulerAngle):
    ptrSinAngle = np.sin(ptrEulerAngle)
    ptrCosAngle = np.cos(ptrEulerAngle)
    ptrRotationMatrix = np.zeros((3, 3))
    ptrRotationMatrix[0, 0] = ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrCosAngle[1]
    ptrRotationMatrix[0, 1] = ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[1] * ptrSinAngle[0] - ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrCosAngle[0]
    ptrRotationMatrix[0, 2] = ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[1] * ptrCosAngle[0] + ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[0]
    ptrRotationMatrix[1, 0] = ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrCosAngle[1]
    ptrRotationMatrix[1, 1] = ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[1] * ptrSinAngle[0] + ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrCosAngle[0]
    ptrRotationMatrix[1, 2] = ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[1] * ptrCosAngle[0] - ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[0]
    ptrRotationMatrix[2, 0] = -ptrSinAngle[1]
    ptrRotationMatrix[2, 1] = ptrCosAngle[1] * ptrSinAngle[0]
    ptrRotationMatrix[2, 2] = ptrCosAngle[1] * ptrCosAngle[0]
    return ptrRotationMatrix

# Coordinates are converted into homogeneous transformation matrices, (x, y, z, rx, ry, rz) unit rad
def Transformation_matrix(coord):
    position_robot = coord[:3]
    pose_robot = coord[3:]
    # Convert Euler angles to rotation matrix
    RBT = CvtEulerAngleToRotationMatrix(pose_robot)
    PBT = np.array([[position_robot[0]],
    temp = np.concatenate((RBT, PBT), axis=1)
    array_1x4 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])
    # Splice the two arrays row by row
    matrix = np.concatenate((temp, array_1x4), axis=0)
    return matrix

def Eyes_in_hand_left(coord, camera):
    # Camera coordinates
    Position_Camera = np.transpose(camera[:3])
    # Robotic arm coordinate matrix
    Matrix_BT = Transformation_matrix(coord)
    # Hand-eye matrix
    Matrix_TC = np.array([[0, -1, 0, Camera_LEN],
                          [1, 0, 0, 0],
                          [0, 0, 1, -Tool_LEN],
                          [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    # Object coordinates (camera system)
    Position_Camera = np.append(Position_Camera, 1)
    # Object coordinates (base coordinate system)
    Position_B = Matrix_BT @ Matrix_TC @ Position_Camera
    return Position_B

# Wait for the end of the robot arm operation
def waitl():
    while (ml.is_moving()):

# Get object coordinates (camera system)
def calc_markers_base_position(corners: NDArray, ids: T.List, marker_size: int, mtx: NDArray, dist: NDArray) -> T.List:
    if len(corners) == 0:
        return []
    # Obtain the rotation vector and translation vector of the object through the QR code corner point
    rvecs, tvecs = solve_marker_pnp(corners, marker_size, mtx, dist)
    for i, tvec, rvec in zip(ids, tvecs, rvecs):
        tvec = tvec.squeeze().tolist()
        rvec = rvec.squeeze().tolist()
        rotvector = np.array([[rvec[0], rvec[1], rvec[2]]])
        # Convert rotation vector to rotation matrix
        Rotation = cv2.Rodrigues(rotvector)[0]
        # Convert rotation matrix to Euler angles
        Euler = CvtRotationMatrixToEulerAngle(Rotation)
        # Object coordinates (camera system)
        target_coords = np.array([tvec[0], tvec[1], tvec[2], Euler[0], Euler[1], Euler[2]])
    return target_coords

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Set camera id
    camera = UVCCamera(5, mtx, dist)
    # Open camera
    # Set the left arm observation point
    origin_anglesL = [-44.24, 15.56, 0.0, -102.59, 65.28, 52.06, 23.49]
    # Set the gripper movement mode
    # Set tool coordinate system
    ml.set_tool_reference([0, 0, Tool_LEN, 0, 0, 0])
    # Set the end coordinate system to the tool
    # Set movement speed
    sp = 40
    # Move to the observation point
    ml.send_angles(origin_anglesL, sp)
    # Wait for the robot arm movement to end
    # Refresh camera interface
    # Get the current frame
    frame = camera.color_frame()
    # Get the angle and id of the QR code in the screen
    (corners, ids, rejected_corners) = stag.detectMarkers(frame, 11)
    # Get the coordinates of the object (camera system)
    marker_pos_pack = calc_markers_base_position(corners, ids, MARKER_SIZE, mtx, dist)
    # Get the current coordinates of the robotic arm
    cur_coords = np.array(ml.get_base_coords())
    # Convert angle value to radian value
    cur_bcl = cur_coords.copy()
    cur_bcl[-3:] *= (np.pi / 180)
    # Convert object coordinates (camera system) to (base coordinate system) through matrix change
    fact_bcl = Eyes_in_hand_left(cur_bcl, marker_pos_pack)
    target_coords = cur_coords.copy()
    target_coords[0] = fact_bcl[0]
    target_coords[1] = fact_bcl[1]
    target_coords[2] = fact_bcl[2] + 50
    # The robotic arm moves above the QR code
    ml.send_base_coords(target_coords, 30)
    # Wait for the robot arm movement to end
    # Open the gripper
    ml.set_gripper_value(100, 100)
    # The robot arm moves downward along the z-axis
    ml.send_base_coord(3, fact_bcl[2], 10)
    # Wait for the robot arm movement to end
    # Close jaws
    ml.set_gripper_value(20, 100)

    # Wait for the jaws to close

    # Lift the gripper
    ml.send_base_coord(3, fact_bcl[2] + 50, 10)

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