Basic functions

This chapter explains the basic functional usage of the product and the use of basic software. This chapter is critical and should be read carefully. Before actually applying the robot, make sure that the operations described are properly understood.

  • 5.1 Minirobot
    The MyArm C650 version comes with the miniRoboflow application software developed independently by Elephant Robotics. Functions such as drag-and-drop teaching, communication forwarding, status checking and zero calibration can be achieved through simple push-button interaction. The user interface of the built-in software is simple and easy to use. The communication forwarding function allows you to control the robot using a variety of programming languages and development environments, making robot control easy.

  • 5.2 Instructions for use of the software
    myStudio is a one-stop platform for using robots such as myRobot/myCobot.
    It is convenient for users to select different firmware and download it according to their own usage scenarios, while learning relevant teaching materials and browsing tutorial videos online.

  • 5.2 Firmware Version Description
    A table of firmware update dates is provided, illustrating the effects of firmware changes that have improved the results.

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