ROS2 environment installation

Raspberry Pi version:

The Raspberry Pi version comes with Ubuntu (V-20.04) system and built-in development environment. No need to build and manage, just update the mycobot_ros2 package.

mycobot_ros2 is the ROS2 package launched by Elephant Robotics for its mycobot series of desktop six-axis robotic arms.

ROS2 project address:

Robot API driver library address:

Update mycobot_ros2 package

To ensure that users can use the latest official package in a timely manner, you can enter the /home/er/colcon_ws/src folder through the file manager, open the console terminal (shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T), and enter the following command to update:

# Clone the code on github
cd colcon_ws/src # Enter the src folder in the workspace
# Clone the code on github
git clone --depth 1
cd .. # Return to the workspace
colcon build --symlink-install # Build the code in the workspace, --symlink-install: avoid recompiling every time you adjust the python script
source install/setup.bash # Add environment variables

Note: If the mycobot_ros2 folder already exists in the /home/er/colcon_ws/src (equivalent to ~/colcon_ws/src) directory, you need to delete the original mycobot_ros2 first, and then execute the above command. Among them, er in the directory path is the system user name. If there is any inconsistency, please modify it.

At this point, the ROS2 environment is built. For the use of ROS2, please refer to the Rviz introduction and use section.

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