Control RGB light board

Preparation before starting

Other series: Make sure the machine is normal

Learning content in this chapter

How to use myBlockly to control the RGB light board

API introduction

  • Method module: Color setting

  • Scope of application: myCobot 280 series, myCobot 320 series, myCobot Pro 600 series and myPalletizer 260 series

  • Parameter introduction:

  • The parameters to be set are R (x), G (x), B (x), and different values ​​represent different colors.

  • Parameter range (for details, please refer to the RGB parameter table):

R: 0~255

G: 0~255

B: 0~255

  • Purpose: Control the color of the RGB light board.

Simple demonstration

  • Graphic code is as follows:

  • Implemented content:

Control the color of the robot arm RGB light board to change from "blue-red-green" in sequence, and the whole process is repeated seven times.

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