Joint Control

For serial multi-joint robots, the control of joint space is to control the variables of each joint of the robot, and the goal is to make each joint of the robot reach the target position at a certain speed.

Note: When setting the angle, the limit of different series of robot arms is different. For details, please refer to the parameter introduction of the corresponding model.


Single joint control

send_angle(id, degree, speed)

  • Function: Send the specified single joint movement to the specified angle

  • Parameter description:

  • id: Represents the joint of the robot arm. The six-axis has six joints and the four-axis has four joints. There is a specific representation method

Joint 1 representation: Angle.J1.value (can also be represented by numbers 1-6)

  • degree: Represents the angle of the joint

  • speed: Represents the speed of the robot arm movement, ranging from 0 to 100

  • Return value: None

set_encoder(joint_id, encoder)

  • Function: Send the specified single joint movement to the specified potential value

  • Parameter description:

  • joint_id: Represents the joint of the robot arm. The six-axis has six joints and the four-axis has four joints. There is a specific representation method The representation of joint 1: Angle.J1.value (can also be represented by numbers 1-6)

  • encoder: represents the potential value of the robot arm, the value range is 0 ~ 4096
  • Return value: None

Multi-joint control


  • Function: Get all joint angles

  • Return value: list A list of floating point values, representing the angles of all joints

send_angles(degrees, speed)

  • Function: Send all angles to all joints of the robot arm
  • Parameter description:
  • degrees: (List[float]) contains the angles of all joints. The six-axis robot has six joints, so the length is 6, and the four-axis length is 4. For example, the representation of the six-axis is: [20,20,20,20,20,20]
  • speed: Indicates the speed of the robot arm, the value range is 0-100
  • Return value: None

set_encoders(encoders, sp)

  • Function: Send potential values ​​to all joints of the robot arm
  • Parameter description:
  • encoder: Indicates the potential value of the robot arm, the value range is 0 ~ 4096, the length of the six-axis is 6, the length of the four-axis is 4, such as the representation method of the six-axis: [2048,2048,2048,2048,2048,2048]
  • sp: Indicates the speed of the robot arm, the value range is 0-100
  • Return value: None

sync_send_angles(degrees, speed, timeout=7)

  • Function: Synchronously send angles and return when reaching the target point
  • Parameter description:
  • degrees: List of angle values ​​of each joint List[float]
  • speed: (int) The speed of the robot arm, the value range is 0-100
  • timeout: The default time is 7s


  • Function: Get the radians of all joints
  • Return value: list contains a list of all joint radian values

send_radians(radians, speed)

  • Function: Send radian values ​​to all joints of the robot arm
  • Parameter description:
  • radians: Indicates the radian value of the robot arm, the value range is -5~5
  • Return value: list contains a list of all joint radian values

Example use

from pymycobot.mycobot import MyCobot
from pymycobot.genre import Angle
from pymycobot import PI_PORT, PI_BAUD  # When using the Raspberry Pi version of MyCobot, you can import these two variables to initialize MyCobot
import time

# MyCobot class initialization requires two parameters:
#   The first is the serial port string, such as:
#       Linux: "/dev/ttyUSB0"
#       Windows: "COM3"
#   The second is the baud rate:
#       M5 version: 115200
#    Example:
#       MyCobot-M5:
#           Linux:
#              mc = MyCobot("/dev/ttyUSB0", 115200)
#           Windows:
#              mc = MyCobot("COM3", 115200)
#       MyCobot-Raspi:
#           mc = MyCobot(PI_PORT, PI_BAUD)
# Initialize a MyCobot object
# Here is the code to create an object for the Windows version
mc = MyCobot("/dev/ttyAMA0", 1000000)
# Move each joint of the robotic arm to the corresponding position [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] by passing angle parameters
mc.send_angles([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 50)

# Set a wait time to ensure the robotic arm has reached the specified position

# Move joint 1 to position 90
mc.send_angle(Angle.J1.value, 90, 50)
# Set a wait time to ensure the robotic arm has reached the specified position

# The following code allows the robotic arm to swing left and right
# Set the number of loops
num = 5
while num > 0:
    # Move joint 2 to position 50
    mc.send_angle(Angle.J2.value, 50, 50)

    # Set a wait time to ensure the robotic arm has reached the specified position

    # Move joint 2 to position -50
    mc.send_angle(Angle.J2.value, -50, 50)

    # Set a wait time to ensure the robotic arm has reached the specified position

    num -= 1

# Retract the robotic arm. You can manually move the robotic arm, then use the get_angles() function to get the coordinate array,
# and use this function to move the robotic arm to your desired position.
mc.send_angles([88.68, -138.51, 155.65, -128.05, -9.93, -15.29], 50)

# Set a wait time to ensure the robotic arm has reached the specified position

# Relax the robotic arm, allowing manual movement

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