
Universal Intelligent Six-Degree-of-Freedom Robotic Arm

Core Documentation

This document contains comprehensive information ranging from product introduction, detailed technical parameters, to user guidelines and initial installation instructions. We will delve into the basic functions of MyController-S570, provide software development guides, and showcase successful application cases to help you understand how to effectively integrate MyController-S570 into various applications. In addition, we have provided a wealth of support and service information to ensure you receive the necessary assistance when facing any technical challenges.


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Document Description

Depending on your needs and the professional level of MyController-S570 application development, you can choose to follow the order from beginning to end or use it as a standalone reference. You can use the sidebar navigation on the left to jump to any section at any time. The entire document is divided into the following five major sections:

Product Information

The Product Information section will provide you with a basic overview of the robotic arm, including design intent, main functions, and application scenarios, helping you quickly understand the basic characteristics and usage environment of the product. In addition, this section will detail application examples and supported extended development, providing you with the necessary development guides and resources. The end of the section will provide relevant purchase links and channels for your convenience.

Product Parameters

The Product Parameters section will show you detailed technical specifications, including machine specifications, control core parameters, structural dimensions, and electrical characteristics. This information is crucial for understanding the technical standards and performance indicators of the product. In addition, it will provide Cartesian coordinate system information about the working range and accuracy of the robotic arm, serving as a reference for users who want to perform precise operations.

Functions and Applications

The Functions and Applications section provides a detailed introduction to the basic functions and software usage methods of the robotic arm, including system instructions and firmware functions. The software development guide offers guidance based on different development environments, such as Python and ROS, supporting technical developers in application expansion. By showcasing successful application cases and providing supporting resources, it offers practical references and necessary support materials for a deeper understanding and use of the product.

Support and Service

The Support and Service section will provide you with a comprehensive troubleshooting guide and post-purchase service information, such as warranty and service terms, helping you quickly resolve issues and ensuring you understand your rights and obligations after purchase. In addition, the 'About Us' section strengthens users' understanding of the product design and manufacturers of MyController-S570, aiming to establish trust and brand loyalty.


We are very grateful for the time you have taken to read the MyController-S570 user manual. We hope this document will help you better understand and effectively use this robot, thereby stimulating your creativity. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our customer support team. We look forward to seeing you complete innovative projects with MyController-S570 and welcome you to join our rapidly growing developer community.

Document Table of Contents


Product Information

Basic Setup

Functions and Applications

Support and Service


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