myAGV-Handle control

1.Install the driver

Open a new console terminal and at the command line type:

sudo apt-get install joystick

Just type Y Enter when you encounter a selection.。

2.Open the car's launch file

Open a new console terminal and at the command line type:

cd myagv_ros
roslaunch myagv_odometry myagv_active.launch

Mark of success:

Now YDLIDAR is scanning ......


3.Open the handle control launch file

Currently, two controllers are compatible, and different controllers require running different files for control

Handle 1

Plug the USB receiver of the Bluetooth joystick into the car, open a new console terminal, and in the command line type:

cd myagv_ros
roslaunch myagv_ps2 myagv_ps2.launch


If you successfully go here, you can successfully use the handle to control the car to walk. There are 7 buttons on the handle to control the car movement, as shown in the picture, 1~4 control the car forward and backward and left and right movement, 5 control the car counterclockwise rotation, 6 control the car clockwise rotation, 7 is the stop button.


Handle 2

Plug the USB receiver of the Bluetooth joystick into the car, open a new console terminal, and in the command line type:

cd myagv_ros
roslaunch myagv_ps2 myagv_ps2_number.launch

If an error is reported and the myagv_ps2_number.launch file cannot be found, please go to Github to download the latest ros package, and use it after reinstalling


If you successfully go here, you can successfully use the handle to control the car to walk. There are 7 buttons on the handle to control the car movement, as shown in the picture, 1~4 control the car forward and backward and left and right movement, 5 control the car counterclockwise rotation, 6 control the car clockwise rotation, 7 is the stop button.


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