Gripper Control

First install and connect the gripper onto the robot arm. Different types of gripper is compatible with different types of robots. Refer to 2.8 Accessories for more information.


For MyCobot 280, the adaptive gripper is attached to Atom.


The electric gripper is attached to 495 port.


* MyCobot 280-m5 is not compatible with electric gripper, and MyCobot 320-m5 is only compatible with electric gripper.

myPalletizer 260

Simple Demo

from pymycobot.mypalletizer260 import MyPalletizer260
from pymycobot.genre import Angle
import time
#Enter the above code to import the packages required by the project

# initiate MyPalletizer260, M5 version 
mc = MyPalletizer260("COM3", 115200)
# PI version 
# mc = MyPalletizer260("COM3", 115200)

# let joint2 move to 30 degree at the speed of 50
# waite for 2 seconds

#set a variable num, and then set a loop
num = 5
while num > 0:
    #let gripper open at the speed of 70
    # waite for 2 seconds
    # let gripper close at the speed of 70
    mc.set_gripper_state(1, 70)
    # waite for 2 seconds
    num -= 1

mechArm 270

Controlling Gripper

is_gripper_moving( )

  • Function: Determine whether the gripper is running
  • return value:
    • 0: Indicates that the gripper of the robot arm is not running
    • 1: Indicates that the gripper of the robot arm is running
    • -1: indicates an error

set_gripper_value(value, speed, gripper_type=None)

  • Function: Let the gripper rotate to the specified position at the specified speed
  • Parameter Description:
    • value: Indicates the position that the clamping jaw wants to reach, the value range is 0~100
    • speed: indicates the speed at which to rotate, the value range is 0~100
    • gripper_type: Gripper type, the default is adaptive gripper
      • 1: Adaptive gripper
      • 3: Parallel jaws
      • 4: Flexible gripper
  • Return value: 1


  • Function: Get the current position data information of the gripper
  • Parameter Description:
    • gripper_type: Gripper type, the default is adaptive gripper
      • 1: Adaptive gripper
      • 3: Parallel jaws
      • 4: Flexible gripper
  • Return value: Gripper data information

set_gripper_state(flag, speed, _type=None)

  • Function: Let the gripper enter the specified state at the specified speed
  • Parameter Description:
    • flag: 1 means the clamping jaw is closed, 0 means the clamping jaw is open.
    • speed: Indicates how fast to reach the specified state, the value range is 0~100
    • _type: Gripper type, the default is adaptive gripper
      • 1: Adaptive gripper
      • 2: Five-fingered dexterity
      • 3: Parallel jaws
      • 4: Flexible gripper
  • Return value: 1


  • Function: Set gripper mode (only for 350)
  • Parameter description: status: 1 means the clamping jaw is closed, 0 means the clamping jaw is open.
  • Return value: 1


  • Function: Set gripper mode
  • Parameter description: status: 1 transparent transmission mode, 0 I/O mode
  • Return value: 1


  • Function: Get gripper status
  • Return value: status(int): 0 - Transparent transmission mode 1 - I/O mode


  • Function: Set adaptive gripper torque
  • Parameter Description:
    • torque: 150 ~ 900
  • Return value: 0 - Setting failed; 1 - Setting successful


  • Function: Get adaptive gripper torque
  • Return value: 150 ~ 900


  • Function: Get gripper protection current
  • Return value: 1 ~ 500


  • Function: Initialize gripper
  • Return value: 0 - initialization failed; 1 - initialization successful


  • Function: Set gripper protection current
  • Parameter Description:
    • current: 1 ~ 500
  • Return value: 0 - initialization failed; 1 - initialization successful

Simple Demo

from pymycobot.mecharm270 import MechArm270
import time
#Enter the above code to import the packages required by the project

def gripper_test(mc):
    print("Start check IO part of api\n")
    # Check if the gripper is moving
    flag = mc.is_gripper_moving()
    print("Is gripper moving: {}".format(flag))

    # Set the current position to (2048).
    # Use it when you are sure you need it.
    # Gripper has been initialized for a long time. Generally, there
    # is no need to change the method.
    # mc.set_gripper_ini()
    # Set joint point 1 to rotate to the position of 2048
    mc.set_encoder(1, 2048)
    # Set six joint positions and let the robotic arm rotate to this position at a speed of 20
    mc.set_encoders([1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024], 20)

    # Let the gripper reach the state of 100 at a speed of 70
    mc.set_gripper_value(100, 70)
    # Let the gripper reach the state of 0 at a speed of 70
    mc.set_gripper_value(0, 70)

    # Set the state of the gripper to quickly open the gripper at a speed of 70
    mc.set_gripper_state(0, 70)
    # Set the state of the gripper so that it quickly closes the gripper at a speed of 70
    mc.set_gripper_state(1, 70)

    # Get the value of the gripper

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # MechArm270 class initialization requires two parameters:
    #   The first is the serial port string, such as:
    #       linux:  "/dev/ttyUSB0"
    #          or "/dev/ttyACM0"
    #       windows: "COM3"
    #   The second is the baud rate:: 
    #       M5 version is:  115200
    #    Example:
    #       MechArm270-M5:
    #           linux:
    #              mc = MechArm270("/dev/ttyUSB0", 115200)
    #          or mc = MechArm270("/dev/ttyACM0", 115200)
    #           windows:
    #              mc = MechArm270("COM3", 115200)
    #      MechArm270-raspi:
    #           mc = MechArm270(PI_PORT, PI_BAUD)
    # Initialize a MechArm270 object
    # Create object code here for Raspberry Pi version below
    mc = MechArm270("/dev/ttyAMA0", 1000000)

    # M5 version
    # mc = MechArm270("COM3", 115200)

    # make it move to zero position
    mc.set_encoders([2048, 2048, 2048, 2048, 2048, 2048], 20)

Controlling Gripper

is_gripper_moving( )

  • Function: Determine whether the gripper is running
  • return value:
    • 0: Indicates that the gripper of the robot arm is not running
    • 1: Indicates that the gripper of the robot arm is running
    • -1: indicates an error

set_gripper_value(value, speed, gripper_type=None)

  • Function: Let the gripper rotate to the specified position at the specified speed
  • Parameter Description:
    • value: Indicates the position that the clamping jaw wants to reach, the value range is 0~256
    • speed: indicates the speed at which to rotate, the value range is 0~100
    • gripper_type: Gripper type, the default is adaptive gripper
      • 1: Adaptive gripper
      • 3: Parallel jaws
      • 4: Flexible gripper
  • Return value: None


  • Function: Get the current position data information of the gripper
  • Parameter Description:
    • gripper_type: Gripper type, the default is adaptive gripper
      • 1: Adaptive gripper
      • 3: Parallel jaws
      • 4: Flexible gripper
  • Return value: Gripper data information

set_gripper_state(flag, speed, _type=None)

  • Function: Let the gripper enter the specified state at the specified speed
  • Parameter Description:
    • flag: 1 means the clamping jaw is closed, 0 means the clamping jaw is open.
    • speed: Indicates how fast to reach the specified state, the value range is 0~100
    • _type: Gripper type, the default is adaptive gripper
      • 1: Adaptive gripper
      • 2: Five-fingered dexterity
      • 3: Parallel jaws
      • 4: Flexible gripper
  • Return value: None


  • Function: Set gripper mode (only for 350)
  • Parameter description: status: 1 means the clamping jaw is closed, 0 means the clamping jaw is open.
  • Return value: None


  • Function: Set gripper mode
  • Parameter description: status: 1 transparent transmission mode, 0 I/O mode
  • Return value: None


  • Function: Get gripper status
  • Return value: status(int): 0 - Transparent transmission mode 1 - I/O mode


  • Function: Set adaptive gripper torque
  • Parameter Description:
    • torque: 150 ~ 900
  • Return value: 0 - Setting failed; 1 - Setting successful


  • Function: Get adaptive gripper torque
  • Return value: 150 ~ 900


  • Function: Get gripper protection current
  • Return value: 1 ~ 500


  • Function: Initialize gripper
  • Return value: 0 - initialization failed; 1 - initialization successful


  • Function: Set gripper protection current
  • Parameter Description:
    • current: 1 ~ 500
  • Return value: 0 - initialization failed; 1 - initialization successful

Simple Demo

from pymycobot.mycobot import MyCobot        
from pymycobot import PI_PORT, PI_BAUD  # When using the Raspberry Pi version of mycobot, these two variables can be referenced to initialize MyCobot
import time
#Enter the above code to import the packages required by the project

def gripper_test(mc):
    print("Start check IO part of api\n")
    # Check if the gripper is moving
    flag = mc.is_gripper_moving()
    print("Is gripper moving: {}".format(flag))

    # Set the current position to (2048).
    # Use it when you are sure you need it.
    # Gripper has been initialized for a long time. Generally, there
    # is no need to change the method.
    # mc.set_gripper_ini()
    # Set joint point 1 to rotate to the position of 2048
    mc.set_encoder(1, 2048)
    # Set six joint positions and let the robotic arm rotate to this position at a speed of 20
    mc.set_encoders([1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024], 20)

    # Let the gripper reach the state of 100 at a speed of 70
    mc.set_gripper_value(100, 70)
    # Let the gripper reach the state of 0 at a speed of 70
    mc.set_gripper_value(0, 70)

    # Set the state of the gripper to quickly open the gripper at a speed of 70
    mc.set_gripper_state(0, 70)
    # Set the state of the gripper so that it quickly closes the gripper at a speed of 70
    mc.set_gripper_state(1, 70)

    # Get the value of the gripper

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # MyCobot class initialization requires two parameters:
    #   The first is the serial port string, such as:
    #       linux:  "/dev/ttyAMA0"
    #          or "/dev/ttyAMA0"
    #       windows: "COM3"
    #   The second is the baud rate:: 
    #       M5 version is:  115200
    #    Example:
    #       mycobot-M5:
    #           linux:
    #              mc = MyCobot("/dev/ttyAMA0", 1000000)
    #          or mc = MyCobot("/dev/ttyAMA0", 115200)
    #           windows:
    #              mc = MyCobot("COM3", 115200)
    #       mycobot-raspi:
    #           mc = MyCobot(PI_PORT, PI_BAUD)
    # Initialize a MyCobot object
    # Create object code here for Raspberry Pi version below
    mc = MyCobot(PI_PORT, PI_BAUD)
    # make it move to zero position
    mc.set_encoders([2048, 2048, 2048, 2048, 2048, 2048], 20)


Controlling Gripper


  • Function Judge whether the gripper is moving or not

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2 (L/R)

  • Returns

    • 0 - not moving
    • 1 - is moving
    • -1 - error data

set_gripper_value(id, value, speed)

  • Function Set gripper value

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2 (L/R)

    • value (int) – 0 ~ 100

    • speed (int) – 0 ~ 100


  • Function Get the value of gripper.

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2 (L/R)

  • Returns

    gripper value (int)


  • Function Judge whether the gripper is moving or not

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2 (L/R)

  • Returns

    • 0 - not moving
    • 1 - is moving
    • -1 - error data


Simple Demo

from pymycobot.myarm import MyArm
import time
#Enter the above code to import the packages required by the project

def gripper_test(mc):
    print("Start check IO part of api\n")
    # Check if the gripper is moving
    flag = mc.is_gripper_moving()
    print("Is gripper moving: {}".format(flag))

    # Set the current position to (2048).
    # Use it when you are sure you need it.
    # Gripper has been initialized for a long time. Generally, there
    # is no need to change the method.
    # mc.set_gripper_ini()
    # Set joint point 1 to rotate to the position of 2048
    mc.set_encoder(1, 2048)
    # Set six joint positions and let the robotic arm rotate to this position at a speed of 20
    mc.set_encoders([1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024,1024], 20)

    # Let the gripper reach the state of 100 at a speed of 70
    mc.set_gripper_value(100, 70)
    # Let the gripper reach the state of 0 at a speed of 70
    mc.set_gripper_value(0, 70)

    # Set the state of the gripper to quickly open the gripper at a speed of 70
    mc.set_gripper_state(0, 70)
    # Set the state of the gripper so that it quickly closes the gripper at a speed of 70
    mc.set_gripper_state(1, 70)

    # Get the value of the gripper

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Initialize a MyArm object
    mc = MyArm("/dev/ttyAMA0", 115200)
    # make it move to zero position
    mc.set_encoders([2048, 2048, 2048, 2048, 2048, 2048, 2048], 20)

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