Gripper control

Before using Python to control the gripper, you need to install and connect the gripper on the robot arm. Different grippers are compatible with different robots (for specific adaptation information, please refer to Product accessories.)


MyCobot 280 adaptive gripper inserts the gripper into the pins on the Atom, see the following figure:

Gripper control


  • Function: Determine whether the gripper is running
  • Return value:
  • 0: Indicates that the gripper of the robot arm is not running
  • 1: Indicates that the gripper of the robot arm is running
  • -1: Indicates an error

set_gripper_value(value, speed, gripper_type=None)

  • Function: Let the gripper rotate to the specified position at the specified speed
  • Parameter description:
  • value: indicates the position the gripper is going to reach, with a range of 0~256
  • speed: indicates the speed of rotation, with a range of 0~100
  • gripper_type: gripper type, the default is adaptive gripper
  • 1: adaptive gripper
  • 3: parallel gripper
  • 4: flexible gripper
  • Return value: 1


  • Function: Get the current position data information of the gripper
  • Parameter description:
  • gripper_type: gripper type, the default is adaptive gripper
  • 1: adaptive gripper
  • 3: parallel gripper
  • 4: flexible gripper
  • Return value: Gripper data information

set_gripper_state(flag, speed, _type=None)

  • Function: Let the gripper enter the specified state at the specified speed
  • Parameter description:
  • flag: 1 indicates the gripper is closed, 0 indicates the gripper is open.
  • speed: indicates how fast the specified state is reached, the value range is 0~100
  • _type: Gripper type, the default is adaptive gripper
  • 1: Adaptive gripper
  • 2: Five-finger dexterous hand
  • 3: Parallel gripper
  • 4: Flexible gripper
  • Return value: 1


  • Function: Set adaptive gripper torque

  • Parameter description:

  • torque: 150 ~ 900

  • Return value: 0 - Setting failed; 1 - Setting successful


  • Function: Get adaptive gripper torque

  • Return value: 150 ~ 900


  • Function: Get the gripper protection current
  • Return value: 1 ~ 500


  • Function: Initialize the gripper
  • Return value: 0 - Initialization failed; 1 - Initialization successful


  • Function: Set the gripper protection current
  • Parameter description:
  • current: 1 ~ 500
  • Return value: 0 - Initialization failed; 1 - Initialization successful


from pymycobot.mycobot280 import MyCobot280
import time
#Enter the above code to import the packages required for the project

def gripper_test(mc):
print("Start check IO part of api\n")
# Check if the gripper is moving
flag = mc.is_gripper_moving()
print("Is gripper moving: {}".format(flag))
# Set the current position to (2048).
# Use it when you are sure you need it.
# Gripper has been initialized for a long time. Generally, there
# is no need to change the method.
# mc.set_gripper_ini()
# Set joint point 1 and let it rotate to the position 2048
mc.set_encoder(1, 2048)
# Set six joint positions and let the robot arm rotate to this position at a speed of 20
mc.set_encoders([1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024], 20)

# Let the gripper reach the 100 state at a speed of 70
mc.set_gripper_value(100, 70)
# Let the gripper reach the 0 state at a speed of 70
mc.set_gripper_value(0, 70)

# Set the state of the gripper to open the claw quickly at a speed of 70
mc.set_gripper_state(0, 70)

# Set the state of the gripper to close the claw quickly at a speed of 70
mc.set_gripper_state(1, 70)

# Get the value of the gripper

if __name__ == "__main__":
# MyCobot280 class initialization requires two parameters: serial and baud rate

# Initialize a MyCobot280 object
# Below is the object code for JN version
mc = MyCobot280('/dev/ttyTHS1', 1000000)
# Move it to zero
mc.set_encoders([2048, 2048, 2048, 2048, 2048, 2048], 20)

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