Mercury X1 Controls
Here we mainly introduce how to control the movement of Mercury X1 through a series of related instructions.
1. Chassis underlying communication
First, start the underlying communication and map construction program of the chassis, and load the URDF model of Mercury X1.
Open the ROS2 environment terminal and run the command:
ros2 launch slam_gmapping
You can then control the movement of the joint model in rviz2 by dragging the slider.
2.Joint control
After the URDF model is successfully loaded, if you want the real Mercury X1 arms to move with it, you need to open another ROS2 environment terminal and run the command:
ros2 run mercury_x1_control slider_control
Please note: Since the robot arm will move to the current position of the model when the command is entered, please make sure that the model in rviz does not have mold penetration before you use the command Do not quickly drag the slider after connecting the robotic arm to prevent damage to the robotic arm
3 Chassis Control
After the joint control program is started, if you want the chassis car in the real Mercury X1 to move with it, you need to start the keyboard control program of the chassis car, open a ROS2 environment terminal, and then run the command:
ros2 run mercury_x1_control mercury_keyboard