Spatial Movement

Note: The chassis battery must be above 21V to move.

Case video

Keyboard Control for Chassis Movement

Execute the following command in a new terminal:

roslaunch turn_on_mercury_robot turn_on_mercury_robot.launch

Then, in another new terminal, execute:

roslaunch mercury_x1_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch

At this point, you can control the chassis movement by pressing the specified keyboard keys as prompted by the console.

Controlling the Chassis Movement and Navigation via API

Execute the following command in a new terminal:

roslaunch turn_on_mercury_robot navigation.launch
from mercury_ros_api import MapNavigation

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Navigate to the target point, this point needs to be mapped and set by yourself
    map_navigation = MapNavigation()
    flag_feed_goalReached = map_navigation.moveToGoal(1.8811798181533813, 1.25142673254013062, 0.9141818042023212,0.4053043657122249)
    # Move the chassis forward
    map_navigation.goStraight(0.25, 5)
    # Move the chassis backward
    map_navigation.goBack(0.25, 5)
    # Move the chassis to the left
    map_navigation.turnLeft(0.25, 5)
    # Move the chassis to the right
    map_navigation.turnRight(0.25, 5)

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