QR Code Recognition and Grasping

Case video

Using the camera_detect Vision Recognition Package

After completing the preparations in Chapters 1-6, you can achieve vision recognition by calling a few simple interfaces from the camera_detect library of Mercury.

Interface Introduction:

obj = camera_detect(Camera_ID, mark_size, mtx, dist, direction)

  • Parameters:
    • camera_ID: Camera ID
    • mark_size: Stag code side length in mm
    • direction: 0: Left arm, 1: Right arm
  • Function: Initialize the camera and robotic arm


  • Function: Display the camera screen


  • Function: Display the camera screen and identify and print the stag code's camera coordinates

coords = obj.stag_robot_identify(direction)

  • Parameters:
    • direction: 0: Left arm, 1: Right arm
    • return: Stag code's robotic arm coordinates
  • Function: Calculate the stag code's robotic arm coordinates

obj.vision_trace(catch_mode, direction)

  • Parameters:
    • catch_mode: 0: Horizontal grasping, 1: Vertical grasping
    • direction: 0: Left arm, 1: Right arm
  • Function: Display the camera screen and identify and print the stag code's camera coordinates

Usage Example

import numpy as np
from pymycobot import Mercury
# Import the vision recognition stag package
from camera_detect import camera_detect

if __name__ == "__main__":
    camera_params = np.load("camera_params.npz")  # Camera configuration file
    mtx, dist = camera_params["mtx"], camera_params["dist"]
    ml = Mercury("/dev/left_arm")  # Set left arm port
    mr = Mercury("/dev/right_arm")  # Set right arm port
    arm = 0         # 0: Left arm, 1: Right arm
    catch_mode = 0  # 0: Horizontal grasping, 1: Vertical grasping
    # Camera ID needs to be changed according to the actual situation
    left_camera_id = 3
    right_camera_id = 6
    stag_size = 32
    # Create vision recognition objects for left and right arms
    ml_obj = camera_detect(left_camera_id, stag_size, mtx, dist, arm)
    mr_obj = camera_detect(right_camera_id, stag_size, mtx, dist, arm)
    # Move the left and right arms to the horizontal observation position for grasping
    mr_obj.vision_trace(catch_mode, mr)
    ml_obj.vision_trace(catch_mode, ml)

Without Using the camera_detect Vision Recognition Package

from uvc_camera import UVCCamera
from marker_utils import *
import stag

# Gripper tool length
Tool_LEN = 175
# Distance from camera center to flange                                          
Camera_LEN = 78
np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, formatter={'float_kind': '{:.2f}'.format})
# Camera configuration file
camera_params = np.load("src/camera_params.npz")
mtx, dist = camera_params["mtx"], camera_params["dist"]
# QR code size
# Set left arm port                                     
ml = Mercury("/dev/left_arm")

# Convert rotation matrix to Euler angles
def CvtRotationMatrixToEulerAngle(pdtRotationMatrix):
    pdtEulerAngle = np.zeros(3)
    pdtEulerAngle[2] = np.arctan2(pdtRotationMatrix[1, 0], pdtRotationMatrix[0, 0])
    fCosRoll = np.cos(pdtEulerAngle[2])
    fSinRoll = np.sin(pdtEulerAngle[2])
    pdtEulerAngle[1] = np.arctan2(-pdtRotationMatrix[2, 0],
                                  (fCosRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[0, 0]) + (fSinRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[1, 0]))
    pdtEulerAngle[0] = np.arctan2((fSinRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[0, 2]) - (fCosRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[1, 2]),
                                  (-fSinRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[0, 1]) + (fCosRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[1, 1]))
    return pdtEulerAngle

# Convert Euler angles to rotation matrix
def CvtEulerAngleToRotationMatrix(ptrEulerAngle):
    ptrSinAngle = np.sin(ptrEulerAngle)
    ptrCosAngle = np.cos(ptrEulerAngle)
    ptrRotationMatrix = np.zeros((3, 3))
    ptrRotationMatrix[0, 0] = ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrCosAngle[1]
    ptrRotationMatrix[0, 1] = ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[1] * ptrSinAngle[0] - ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrCosAngle[0]
    ptrRotationMatrix[0, 2] = ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[1] * ptrCosAngle[0] + ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[0]
    ptrRotationMatrix[1, 0] = ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrCosAngle[1]
    ptrRotationMatrix[1, 1] = ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[1] * ptrSinAngle[0] + ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrCosAngle[0]
    ptrRotationMatrix[1, 2] = ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[1] * ptrCosAngle[0] - ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[0]
    ptrRotationMatrix[2, 0] = -ptrSinAngle[1]
    ptrRotationMatrix[2, 1] = ptrCosAngle[1] * ptrSinAngle[0]
    ptrRotationMatrix[2, 2] = ptrCosAngle[1] * ptrCosAngle[0]
    return ptrRotationMatrix

# Convert coordinates to homogeneous transformation matrix (x, y, z, rx, ry, rz) in radians
def Transformation_matrix(coord):
    position_robot = coord[:3]
    pose_robot = coord[3:]
    # Convert Euler angles to rotation matrix
    RBT = CvtEulerAngleToRotationMatrix(pose_robot)
    PBT = np.array([[position_robot[0]],
    temp = np.concatenate((RBT, PBT), axis=1)
    array_1x4 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])
    # Concatenate the two arrays row-wise
    matrix = np.concatenate((temp, array_1x4), axis=0)
    return matrix

def Eyes_in_hand_left(coord, camera):
    # Camera coordinates
    Position_Camera = np.transpose(camera[:3])
    # Robotic arm coordinate matrix             
    Matrix_BT = Transformation_matrix(coord)
    # Hand-eye matrix           
    Matrix_TC = np.array([[0, -1, 0, Camera_LEN],
                          [1, 0, 0, 0],
                          [0, 0, 1, -Tool_LEN],
                          [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    # Object coordinates (camera system)
    Position_Camera = np.append(Position_Camera, 1)
    # Object coordinates (base coordinate system)         
    Position_B = Matrix_BT @ Matrix_TC @ Position_Camera
    return Position_B

# Wait for the robotic arm to finish moving
def waitl():
    while (ml.is_moving()):

# Get object coordinates (camera system)
def calc_markers_base_position(corners: NDArray, ids: T.List, marker_size: int, mtx: NDArray, dist: NDArray) -> T.List:
    if len(corners) == 0:
        return []
    # Get object rotation and translation vectors through QR code corners
    rvecs, tvecs = solve_marker_pnp(corners, marker_size, mtx, dist)
    for i, tvec, rvec in zip(ids, tvecs, rvecs):
        tvec = tvec.squeeze().tolist()
        rvec = rvec.squeeze().tolist()
        rotvector = np.array([[rvec[0], rvec[1], rvec[2]]])
        # Convert rotation vector to rotation matrix
        Rotation = cv2.Rodrigues(rotvector)[0]
        # Convert rotation matrix to Euler angles                   
        Euler = CvtRotationMatrixToEulerAngle(Rotation)
        # Object coordinates (camera system)                     
        target_coords = np.array([tvec[0], tvec[1], tvec[2], Euler[0], Euler[1], Euler[2]])
    return target_coords

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Set camera ID                  
    camera = UVCCamera(5, mtx, dist)
    # Open the camera
    # Set left arm observation point
    origin_anglesL = [-44.24, 15.56, 0.0, -102.59, 65.28, 52.06, 23.49]
    # Set gripper movement mode
    # Set tool coordinate system
    ml.set_tool_reference([0, 0, Tool_LEN, 0, 0, 0])
    # Set the end coordinate system as the tool        
    # Set movement speed                 
    sp = 40
    # Move to the observation point                  
    ml.send_angles(origin_anglesL, sp)
    # Wait for the robotic arm to finish moving    
    # Refresh the camera interface  
    # Get the current frame
    frame = camera.color_frame()
    # Get the angles and IDs of the QR codes in the frame
    (corners, ids, rejected_corners) = stag.detectMarkers(frame, 11)
    # Get the object's coordinates (camera system)
    marker_pos_pack = calc_markers_base_position(corners, ids, MARKER_SIZE, mtx, dist)
    # Get the current coordinates of the robotic arm
    cur_coords = np.array(ml.get_base_coords())
    # Convert angle values to radians       
    cur_bcl = cur_coords.copy()
    cur_bcl[-3:] *= (np.pi / 180)
    # Convert the object's coordinates (camera system) to (base coordinate system) through matrix transformation
    fact_bcl = Eyes_in_hand_left(cur_bcl, marker_pos_pack)
    target_coords = cur_coords.copy()
    target_coords[0] = fact_bcl[0]
    target_coords[1] = fact_bcl[1]
    target_coords[2] = fact_bcl[2] + 50
    # Move the robotic arm above the QR code
    ml.send_base_coords(target_coords, 30)
    # Wait for the robotic arm to finish moving
    # Open the gripper              
    ml.set_gripper_value(100, 100)
    # Move the robotic arm down along the z-axis
    ml.send_base_coord(3, fact_bcl[2], 10)
    # Wait for the robotic arm to finish moving
    # Close the gripper                                                        
    ml.set_gripper_value(20, 100)

    # Wait for the gripper to close       

    # Lift the gripper
    ml.send_base_coord(3, fact_bcl[2] + 50, 10)

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