Emotion Using


The screen that comes with myBuddy can display a variety of expressions through the python interface


  1. Download and unzip video file and case code into the mybuddy system

  2. Change the case file,Replace /home/er/pymycobot/emo/face_video_3_2.mp4 with the decompressed video file path

     from pymycobot import MyBuddyEmoticon
     import time
     # [video_path, Playback_duration(s)]
     video1 = ["/home/er/pymycobot/emo/face_video_3_2.mp4", 10]
     datas = [video1]
     me = MyBuddyEmoticon(datas)
  3. Execute mybuddy_emoticon_demo.py

API description

MyBuddyEmoticon(file_path: list = [], window_size: tuple = (), *Fuction loop=False) API for playing emoticons

  • Parameters

    file_path (list): [[path, time]]The absolute path of facial expression video and the length of time to play.Time in seconds. window_size (tuple): (Length, width)Size of the playback window (default is full screen). loop (bool): Loop playback or not (default False. only once by default).


  • Fuction Get Playfile List
  • Return
    • video path list


  • Fuction Add Playback File
  • Parameters path_time(list): [path, time] The video address to be added and the running time


  • Fuction Delete the element with the specified subscript in the playlist list
  • Parameters

    index(int):: The subscript of the element in the playlist to be deleted


  • Fuction Pause playback


  • Fuction Continue playing


  • Fuction start playing video


  • Fuction Wait for the thread playing the video to finish.

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