Suitable Users & Application


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Teachers and Students in Education: Given the potential of myCobot 320 in educational research, it is particularly suited for STEM courses and robotics projects in secondary and higher education institutions. Teachers can use myCobot 320 to design practical courses, while students can learn programming, robotics control theory, and the basics of artificial intelligence through it.

Researchers: Researchers can utilize myCobot 320 for prototype development and testing in experimental studies in robotics technology, artificial intelligence, and automation. Its flexibility and expandability make it an ideal choice for research laboratories.

Professionals in Commercial Presentations and Marketing: Businesses can use myCobot 320 as a presentation tool at exhibitions or events to effectively attract the audience's attention and showcase the company's technological strength and innovative products.

Individual Enthusiasts and Self-Learners: For individuals interested in robotics technology, regardless of their technical background, myCobot 320 provides an accessible and affordably priced platform for learning and exploring programming, robotics technology, and AI applications.

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