Swinging Arms Left and Right


M5Stack series: Make sure robot is connected with PC (Go to 5.1 myBlockly for more information).

Other series: Make sure the robot is in normal status.

Purpose for this section

This section introduces instructions for swinging arms left and right.

Introduction to API

  • power_on()

  • Applicable to myCobot 280 series, mechArm series, myCobot 320 series and myPalletizer series

  • Function: initiate system

  • release_all_servos()

  • Applicable to myCobot 280 series, mechArm series, myCobot 320 series and myPalletizer series

  • Function: release all servo motors

Simple Demo

  • Program for display:

  • Motion:

    Initiating system, arms move to starting point, after 2 seconds,

    Joint 1 move to 50 degree at the speed of 20, after 2 seconds,

    Joint 2 move to -50 degree at the speed of 20, after 2 seconds,

    the above process loops again,

    Joint 1, Joint 2, Joint 3 and Joint 4 move to 130 degree, 80 degree, -60 degree and 100 degree respectively.

    Motion stops, and then all servos release.

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