myCobot Javascript Version
Programming in javascript environment
- jsmycobot is a js package for serial communication with Mycobot. If you want to use mycobot through JavaScript programming, then it will be your choice
API function introduction
2.1 Introduction to the robot arm 2.2 JOG mode and operation 2.3 Servo control 2.4 Atom IO 2.5 MDI mode and operation
API method introduction
Included classes:
- mycobot
- Coord
Import project
<!-- Import jsmycobot package -->
const mycobot = require("mycobot")
<!-- Initialize mycobot object -->
const obj = mycobot.connect("COM15",115200)
<!-- Write code to execute the robot arm power-on command -->
<!-- -->
const res = mycobot.processReceived(data)
Robotic Arm Status
5.1 connect()
Description: Create an object and connect to the device
Parameters: Parameter 1: Serial port number, Parameter 2: Baud rate
Return value: None
5.2 powerOn()
Description: Power on the robot
Parameters: None
Return value: None
5.3 powerOff()
Description: Power off the robot
Parameters: None
Return value: None
5.4 isPowerOn()
Description: Determine whether the robot is powered on
Parameter: None
Return value: 1: power on 0: power off -1: error
5.6 releaseAllServos()
Description: Set the robot to free movement mode
Parameter: None
Return value: None
MDI mode and operation
6.1 getAngles
Description: Get the angles of all joints
Parameter: [float] type list of all joint angles of the robot
Return value:
6.2 sendAngle
Description: Send the angle of a single joint of the robot
Parameters: id: robot joint number, degree: angle (number), speed: speed 0~100 (number)
Return value: None
6.3 sendAngles
Description: Send the angles of all robot joints
Parameters: angles: contains the sequence value list of all joint angles (Array[float]), speed: (int) 0~100
Return value: None
6.4 getCoords
Description: Get the angles of all robot joints
Parameters: Coordinates [float] type list mycobot: [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz]; mypalletizer: [x, y, z, θ]
Return value: None
6.5 sendCoord
Description: Send the coordinates of a single joint of the robot
Parameters: id: robot joint id, coord: coordinate value, speed: (int) 0~100
Return value: None
6.6 sendCoords
Description: Send the coordinates of all joints of the robot
Parameters: coords: a list of all robot joint coordinate values, speed: (int) 0~100, mode: mode
Return value: None
6.7 isInPosition
Description: Determine whether the position has been reached
Parameters: 1: reached the position, 2: not reached the position
Return value: data: parameter list, angle or coordinate, flag: mark data type - angle, -Coordinates
Jog mode and operation
7.1 jogAngle
Description: Jog control angle
Parameters: joinId: joint id 1~6 (int), direction: 0 decrease, 1 increase, speed: speed 0~100
Return value: None
7.2 jogCoord
Description: Jog control coordinates
Parameters: coordid: joint id 1~6 (int), direction: decrease increase 0~1, speed: speed 0~100
Return value: None
7.3 jogStop
Description: Stop jogging movement
Parameters: None
Return value: None
7.4 programPause
Description: Pause movement
Parameters: None
Return value: None
7.5 programResume
Description: Resume movement
Parameters: None
Return value: None
7.6 stop
Description: Stop movement
Parameters: None
Return value: None
7.7 setEncoder
Description: Set a single joint rotation to a specified potential value
Parameters: None
Return value: None
7.8 getEncoder
Description: Get the specified joint potential value
Parameters: jointId: joint ID
Return value: 0~4096
7.9 setEncoders
Description: Set the six joints of the robot to execute synchronously to the specified position
Parameters: encoders: encoder list, length 6; speed: speed 0~100
Return value: None
7.10 getEncoders
Description: Get all joints of the robot
Parameters: None
Return value: Encoder list
Running status and settings
8.1 getSpeed
Description: Get speed
Parameters: None
Return value: speed
8.2 setSpeed
Description: Set speed
Parameter: number (0~100)
Return value: None
8.3 getJointMin
Description: Get the minimum moving angle of the specified joint
Parameter: jointId: specified joint ID
Return value: None
8.4 getJointMax
Description: Get the maximum moving angle of the specified joint
Parameter: jointId: specified joint ID
Return value: angle value (float)
Servo control
9.1 isServoEnable
Description: Determine whether all servos are connected
Parameter: servoId: servo ID
Return value: None
9.2 isAllServoEnable
Description: Determine if the specified servo is connected
Parameter: None
Return value: 0: Disable, 1: Enable
9.3 setServoData
Description: Set the data parameters of the specified address of the servo
Parameter: servo_no: the serial number of the servo being set (1~6), dataId: data address, value: (0~4096)
Return value: None
9.4 getServodata
Description: Read the data parameters of the specified address of the servo
Parameter: servo_no: the serial number of the servo, 1 - 6, dataId: data address
Return value: 0~4096
9.5 setServoCalibration
Description: The current position of the calibration joint actuator is the angle zero point, and the corresponding point value is 2048
Parameter: servo_no: the serial number of the servo, 1 - 6
Return value: None
9.6 releaseServo
Description: Power off the specified servo
Parameter: servo_no: the serial number of the set servo (1~6)
Return value: None
9.7 focusServo
Description: Turn on the power of the specified servo
Parameter: None
Return value: servo_no: the serial number of the set servo (1~6)
10.1 setColor
Description: Set the color of the light on the top of the robot arm
Parameters: r(0~255), g(0~255), b(0~255)
Return value: None
10.2 setPinMode
Description: Set the state mode of the specified pin in the atom
Parameters: pin_no: pin number, pinMode: 0-input, 1-output, 2-input splicing
Return value: None
10.3 setDigitalOutput
Description: Set the pin signal value
Parameters: pin_no: pin number, pinSingal
Return value: None
10.4 getDigitalInput
Description: Return the pin signal value
Parameter: pin_no: pin number
Return value: signal value
10.5 getGripperValue
Description: Get the gripper angle
Parameter: None
Return value: gripper angle
10.6 setGripperState
Description: Set the gripper switch state
Parameter: flag: 0-open, 1-close; speed: speed (0~100)
Return value: None
Description: Set the gripper value
Parameter: value (0~100), speed (0~100)
Return value: None
10.8 setGripperIni
Description: Set the current position to zero
Parameter: None
Return value: None
10.9 isGripperMving
Description: Determine whether the gripper is moving
Parameter: None
Return value: 0: not moving, 1: moving
11.1 setBasicOutput
Description: Set the bottom pin
Parameter: pin_no: pin number, pinSignal: 0 / 1
Return value: None
11.2 getBasicOutput
Description: Get the bottom pin
Parameter: pin_no: pin number
Return value: None