Detailed explanation of myblockly building blocks

System Status

Get Basic firmware version

Alt text

  • Prototype: get_basic_version()
  • Interface Description: Get the Basic firmware version.
  • Return: Return to Basic firmware version.

Get Master Control Info

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  • Prototype: get_system_version()

  • Interface Description: Get main control version information.

  • Return: Return to Basic firmware version.

Get Robot ID

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  • Prototype: get_robot_id()

  • Interface Description: Get the robot id.

  • Return: Return the robot id.

Set Robot ID

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  • Prototype: set_robot_id(id)
  • Interface Description: Set the robot id.
  • Parameters: -robot id

WLAN Setting

Set WLAN account password

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  • Prototype: set_ssid_pwd(account,password)
  • Interface Description: Set WLAN account password.
  • Parameters:
    • wlan account
    • wlan password

Get WLAN Account and Password

Alt text

  • Prototype: get_ssid_pwd()
  • Interface Description: Get the WLAN account password.
  • Return:
    • wlan account
    • wlan password

Set Server Port

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  • Prototype: set_server_port(port)
  • Interface Description: Set the port for WLAN connection.
  • Parameters:
    • The port number


Set basic pin output

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  • Prototype: set_basic_output(id,state)
  • Interface Description: Set base pin output
  • Parameters:
    • Pin number
    • Select output status

Get basic pin input

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  • Prototype: set_basic_output(id)
  • Interface Description: Get base pin input
  • Return:
    • Base pin input status


Set Color

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  • Prototype: set_color(r=0,g=0,b=0)
  • Interface Description: Set the color of the end LED light.
  • Parameters

    • red

    • green

    • blue

Set PWM output

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  • Prototype: set_pwm_output(v1=0,v2=0,v3=0)
  • Interface Description: Set PWM output.
  • Parameters

    • v1 (int)

    • v2 (int)

    • v3 (int)

Set end pin mode

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  • Prototype: set_pin_mode(id,state)
  • Interface Description: Set the end pin mode.
  • Parameters
    • Pin number
    • Select mode

Set IO value

Alt text

  • Prototype: set_digital_output(id,state)
  • Interface Description: Set IO value
  • Parameters

    • io serial number

    • Select status 0 or 1

Read IO value

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  • Prototype: get_digital_input(id)
  • Interface Description: Read IO value
  • Parameters
    • io serial number


Power On

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  • Prototype: power_on()
  • Interface Description: Atom opens communication (open by default).

Power Off

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  • Prototype: power_off()
  • Interface Description: Atom closes communication.

Check whether the robot arm is powered on

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  • Prototype: is_power_on()
  • Interface Description: Check whether the robot arm is powered on.

  • Return:

    • 1: power on
    • 0: power off
    • -1: error

release all Servos

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  • Prototype: release_all_servos()
  • Interface Description: Set the robot arm to free movement mode

Set command refresh mode

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  • Prototype: set_fresh_mode(mode)
  • Interface Description: Set command refresh mode

  • Parameters

    • mode: Refresh Sport - always execute the latest command first. Interpolation - Execute instructions sequentially in a queue.

Get command refresh mode

Alt text

  • Prototype: get_fresh_mode()
  • Interface Description: Get command refresh mode
  • Return
    • 1 - Always execute the latest command first.
    • 0 - Execute instructions sequentially in a queue.

Get Error Infomation

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  • Prototype: get_error_information()
  • Interface Description: Get robot error information.

  • Return:

    • 0: No error.
    • 1 ~ 6: The corresponding joint exceeds the limit position.
    • 32: The inverse kinematics solution has no solution.
    • 33 ~ 34: There is no adjacent solution for linear motion.

Clear Error Infomation

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  • Prototype: clear_error_information()
  • Interface Description: Clear robot error messages.

Check if Atom is connected

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  • Prototype: is_controller_connected()
  • Interface Description: Check whether Atom is connected
  • Return:
    • 0: Not connected
    • 1: Connected

Set free mode

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  • Prototype: set_free_mode(state)
  • Interface Description: Whether to set to free mode
  • Parameters:
    • state(int): 0 | 1

Is free mode

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  • Prototype: is_free_mode()
  • Interface description: Check whether it is free mode
  • return value:
    • state(int): 0 | 1

MDI Control

Get Angles

Alt text

  • Prototype: get_angles()
  • Interface Description: Get the degrees of all joints.
  • Return:
    • joint angle value

Get Coords

Alt text

  • Prototype: get_coords()
  • Interface Description: Get the Cartesian coordinates of the machine.
  • Return:
    • Cartesian coordinates

Set single joint angle

Alt text

  • Prototype: send_angle(id, degree, speed)

  • Interface Description: Robot single joint angle control.

  • Parameters

    • Joint id: 1-6

    • Angle value

    • speed

Set single coordinates

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  • Prototype: send_coord(id, value, speed)
  • Interface Description: Robot single coordinate control.

  • Parameters

    • Coordinates: 1-6 correspond to x、y、 z、rx、ry、rz
    • coordinate value
    • speed

Check if you are in motion

Alt text

  • Prototype: is_moving(id, value, speed)
  • Interface Description: Detect whether the machine is moving.
  • Return:
    • 0: The machine is not in motion
    • 1: The machine is in motion.

Angles is in position

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  • Prototype: is_in_position([j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6],0)

  • Interface description: Check whether the machine angle reaches the specified position

  • Parameters:

    • j1 angle value

    • j2 angle value

    • j3 angle value

    • j4 angle value

    • j5 angle value

    • j6 angle value

  • Return:

    • 0: Not reached the specified location
    • 1: Reach the specified location

Coords is in position

Alt text

  • Prototype: is_in_position([x,y,z,rx,ry,rz],1)

  • Interface description: Check whether the machine angle reaches the specified position

  • Parameters:

    • x coordinate value

    • y coordinate value

    • z coordinate value

    • rx coordinate value

    • ry coordinate value

    • rz coordinate value

  • Return:

    • 0: Not reached the specified location
    • 1: Reach the specified location

Set Angles

Alt text

  • Prototype: send_angles(angles, speed)
  • Interface Description: Send all angles to the robot arm.

  • Parameters

    • angles: list of coordinate values (List[float]).
    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100

Set Coords

Alt text

  • Prototype: send_coords(coords, speed, mode)

  • Interface Description: Send all coordinates to the robot arm.

  • Parameters

    • coords: list of coordinate values (List[float]).
    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100
    • mode: (int): 0 - angular (default), 1 - linear


JOG Control

JOG Angle

Alt text

  • Prototype: jog_angle(joint_id, direction, speed)
  • Interface description: Jog control angle

  • Parameters

    • joint_id: (int) 1 ~ 6
    • direction: 0 - decrease, 1 - increase
    • speed: 0 ~ 100

JOG Coord

Alt text

  • Prototype: jog_coord(coord_id, direction, speed)
  • Interface description: Jog control coord.

  • Parameters

    • coord_id: (int) 1 ~ 6
    • direction: 0 - decrease, 1 - increase
    • speed: 0 ~ 100

JOG Absolute

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  • Prototype: jog_absolue(coord_id, direction, speed)

  • Interface description: Step mode.

  • Parameters

    • coord_id: (int) 1 ~ 6
    • direction:
    • speed: 0 ~ 100

JOG Increment

Alt text

  • Prototype: jog_increment(coord_id, direction, speed)

  • Interface description: Step mode.

  • Parameters

    • coord_id: (int) 1 ~ 6
    • direction:
    • speed: 0 ~ 100

Jog Stop

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  • Prototype: jog_stop()
  • Interface Description: Stop jog moving.



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  • Prototype: pause()
  • Interface Description: Pause movement.


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  • Prototype: resume()
  • Interface description: Recovery movement.


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  • Prototype: stop()
  • Interface Description: Stop moving.


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  • Prototype: is_paused()
  • Interface Description: Judge whether the manipulator pauses or not.

  • Return: :

    • 1 - paused
    • 0 - not paused
    • -1 - error

Set Servo encoder value

Alt text

  • Prototype: set_encoder(joint_id, encoder)
  • Interface Description: Set a single joint rotation to the specified potential value.

  • Parameters

    • joint_id: (int) 1 ~ 6
    • encoder: 0 ~ 4096

Get Servo encoder value

Alt text

  • Prototype: get_encoder(joint_id)
  • Interface description: Obtain the specified joint potential value.

  • Parameters: joint_id: (int) 1 ~ 6

  • Return: encoder: 0 ~ 4096



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  • Prototype: get_speed()
  • Interface description: Get speed.

  • Return: speed: (int)


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  • Prototype: set_speed(speed)

  • Interface description: Set speed.

  • Parameters: speed: (int) 0 ~ 100


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  • Prototype: set_joint_min(id, angle)
  • Interface description: Sets the minimum angle for the specified joint.

  • Parameters:

    • id: (int) joint id 1-6.
    • angle: 0 - 180.


Alt text

  • Prototype: set_joint_max(id, angle)
  • Interface description: Sets the maximum angle of the specified joint.

  • Parameters:

    • id: (int) joint id 1-6.
    • angle: 0 - 180.


Alt text

  • Prototype: get_joint_min_angle()
  • Interface description: Gets the minimum movement angle of the specified joint

  • Parameters: joint_id: (int)

  • Return: angle value (float)


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  • Prototype: get_joint_max_angle()
  • Interface description: Gets the maximum movement angle of the specified joint
  • Parameters: joint_id: (int)
  • Return: angle value (float)

Servo control


Alt text

  • Prototype: is_servo_enable(servo_id)

  • Interface description: Determine whether all steering gears are connected

  • Parameters: servo_id (int) 1 ~ 6

  • Return:

  • 0: disable
    • 1: enable
    • -1: error


Alt text

  • Prototype: is_all_servo_enable()

  • Interface description: Determine whether the specified steering gear is connected

  • Return:

    • 0: disable
    • 1: enable
    • -1: error


Alt text

  • Prototype: set_servo_data(servo_no, data_id, value)
  • Interface description: Set the data parameters of the specified address of the steering gear.

  • Parameters:

    • servo_no: Serial number of articulated steering gear, 1 - 6.
    • data_id: Data address.
    • value: 0 - 4096


Alt text

  • Prototype: get_servo_data(servo_no, data_id)
  • Interface description: Read the data parameter of the specified address of the steering gear.

  • Parameters:

    • servo_no: Serial number of articulated steering gear, 1 - 6.
    • data_id: Data address.
  • Return: value: 0 - 4096

    • 0: disable
    • 1: enable
    • -1: error


Alt text

  • Prototype: set_servo_calibration(servo_no)
  • Interface description: The current position of the calibration joint actuator is the angle zero point, and the corresponding potential value is 2048.

  • Parameters:

    • servo_no: Serial number of articulated steering gear, 1 - 6.


Alt text

  • Prototype: release_servo(servo_id)

  • Interface description: Power off designated servo

  • Parameters: servo_id: 1 ~ 6


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  • Prototype: focus_servo(servo_id)
  • Interface description: Power on designated servo
  • Parameters: servo_id: 1 ~ 6



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  • Prototype: set_gripper_calibration()
  • Interface description: Set the current position to zero, set current position value is 2048.


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  • Prototype: set_gripper_state(flag, speed, mode)

  • Interface description: Set gripper switch state

  • Parameters

    • flag (int): 0 - open, 1 - close
    • speed (int): 0 ~ 100
    • mode:gripper


Alt text

  • Prototype: set_gripper_value(value, speed, mode)

  • Interface description: Set gripper value

  • Parameters

    • value (int): 0 ~ 100
    • speed (int): 0 ~ 100
    • mode:gripper


Alt text

  • Prototype: get_gripper_value(mode)
  • Interface description: Get gripper value
  • Return: gripper value (int)


Alt text

  • Prototype: is_gripper_moving()

  • Interface description: Judge whether the gripper is moving or not

  • Return:

    • 0 : not moving
    • 1 : is moving
    • -1: error data

Init Eletric Gripper

Alt text

  • Prototype: init_eletric_gripper()
  • Interface description:Init Eletric Gripper

Set Eletric Gripper

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  • Prototype: set_eletric_gripper()
  • Interface description:Init Eletric Gripper
  • Parameters

    • 选择打开或关闭


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  • Prototype: set_gripper_mode(status)

  • Interface description: Set gripper mode.

  • Parameters

  • status (int): 0 - transparent transmission. 1 - Port Mode.


Alt text

  • Prototype: get_gripper_mode()

  • Interface description: Get gripper mode.

  • Return

    • status (int): 0 - transparent transmission. 1 - Port Mode.

Coord Control


Alt text

  • Prototype: get_tool_reference()

  • Interface description: Get tool coordinate system.

  • Return: list [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz].


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  • Prototype: set_tool_reference(coords)

  • Interface description: Set tool coordinate system.

  • Parameters:

    • coords: (list) [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz].


Alt text

  • Prototype: get_world_reference()
  • Interface description: Get world coordinate system.
  • Return: list [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz].


Alt text

  • Prototype: set_world_reference(coords)

  • Interface description: Set world coordinate system.

  • Parameters:

    • coords: (list) [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz].


Alt text

  • Prototype: get_reference_frame()

  • Interface description: Get base coordinate system.

  • Return: 0 - base 1 - tool.


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  • Prototype: set_reference_frame(rftype)

  • Interface description: Set base coordinate system.

  • Parameters:

    • rftype: 0 - base 1 - tool.


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  • Prototype: get_movement_type()
  • Interface description: Get movement type.
  • Return: 1 - movel, 0 - moveJ.


Alt text

  • Prototype: set_movement_type(move_type)

  • Interface description: Set movement type.

  • Parameters:

    • move_type: 1 - movel, 0 - moveJ.


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  • Prototype: get_end_type()
  • Interface description: Get end coordinate system.
  • Return: 0 - flange, 1 - tool.


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  • Prototype: set_end_type(end)

  • Interface description: Set end coordinate system.

  • Parameters:

    • end: 0 - flange, 1 - tool.



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  • Prototype: get_servo_speeds()

  • Interface description: Get joint velocity.

  • Return: list Speed of each joint.


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  • Prototype: get_servo_currents()

  • Interface description: Get joint current.

  • Return: list Current of each joint.


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  • Prototype: get_servo_voltages()

  • Interface description: Get joint voltage.

  • Return: list Voltage of each joint.


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  • Prototype: get_servo_status()

  • Interface description: Get the state of each joint.

  • Return: list the state of each joint.


Alt text

  • Prototype: get_servo_temps()

  • Interface description: Get the temperature of each joint.

  • Return: list temperature of each joint.

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