Software Download


myStudio is our own software. It is a tool for firmware burning or modification of the existing robotic launched by our company.

github download:GitHub - elephantrobotics/myStudio: A comprehensive software for mycobot. Provides firmware burning, documentation, tutorials, etc

Website:Software Download - Elephant Robotics


From the user's point of view, myBlockly is an easy-to-use visualisation tool for generating code. From the developer's point of view, myBlockly is a text box containing the code entered by the user.

Download Address: Official Website Address


github Download: Github


Souce Code Download

myAGV PI 2023 ROS1 Source Code:GitHub - elephantrobotics/myagv_ros: myAGV ROS Basic application

pymyCobot:GitHub - elephantrobotics/pymycobot: This is a python API for mycobot serial communication.

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