Introduction to API

API or Application Programming Interface refers to a number of preset programs. Before utilization, it is required to import API library:

# for mycobot,mecharm
from pymycobot.mycobot import MyCobot

# for mypalletizer
from pymycobot.mypalletizer import MyPalletizer

# for myBuddy
from pymycobot.mybuddy import MyBuddy

Notice: Functions with return value are required to use print() to print value. For example, if you want to get the speed value, type print(get_speed()), instead of get_speed().

myCobot / myPalletizer / mechArm / myArm

1 Overall Status

1.1 power_on()

  • Function: Atom open communication (default open)

  • Return Value: None

1.2 power_off()

  • Function: Atom turn off communication

  • Return Value: None

1.3 is_power_on()

  • Function: judge whether robot arms is powered on or not

  • Return Value:

    • 1: power on
    • 0: power off
    • -1: error

1.4 release_all_servos

  • Function: release all robot arms
  • Return Value: None

1.5 is_controller_connected

  • Function: check if connected with Atom.

  • Return Value:

    • 1: connected
    • 0: not connected
    • -1: error

1.6 read_next_error()

  • Fuction: Robot Error Detection.

  • Return Value

    • 0: No abnormality
    • 1: Communication disconnected
    • 2: Unstable communication
    • 3 : Servo abnormality

1.7 set_fresh_mode(mode)

  • Fuction: Set command refresh mode
  • Parameters
    • mode – int 1 - Always execute the latest command first.
      0 - Execute instructions sequentially in the form of a queue.
  • Return Value None

1.8 get_fresh_mode()

  • Fuction: get command refresh mode

  • Return Value

    • 1 - Always execute the latest command first.
    • 0 - Execute instructions sequentially in the form of a queue.

2 Operating Mode


  • Function: pause motion
  • Return Value: None

2.2 stop()

  • Function: stop motion
  • Return Value: None

2.3 resume()

  • Function: resume motion
  • Return Value: None

2.4 is_paused()

  • Function: judge whether motion pauses or not
  • Return Value:
    • 1: pause
    • 0: not pause
    • -1: error

2.5 get_speed()

  • Function: get motion speed
  • Return Value: range from 0-100

2.6 set_speed()

  • Function: set motion speed
  • Parameter: range from 0-100

  • Return Value: None

2.7 get_joint_min_angle(joint_id)

  • Function: get minimum speed of a joint
  • Parameter: range from 1-6 or 1-4
  • Return Value: angle value

2.8 get_joint_max_angle(joint_id)

  • Function: get maximum speed of a joint
  • Parameter: range from 1-6 or 1-4
  • Return Value: angle value

2.9 is_servo_enable(servo id)

  • Function: judge whether a servo is enabled
  • Parameter: range from 1-6 or 1-4
  • Return Value:
    • 1: enabled
    • 0: not enabled
    • -1: error

2.10 is_all_servo_enable()

  • Function: judge whether all servos are enabled
  • Return Value:
    • 1: enabled
    • 0: not enabled
    • -1: error

2.11 release_servo(servo_id)

  • Function: release a servo
  • Parameter: range from 1-6 or 1-4
  • Return Value:
    • 1: enabled
    • 0: not enabled
    • -1: error

2.12 get_tof_distance()

  • Function: get tested distance
  • Return Value: distance value

2.13 get_error_information()

  • Function: get error message.
  • Return Value:
    • 0: no error message.
    • 1 ~ 6: The corresponding joint exceeds the limit.
    • 16 ~ 19: collision protection.
    • 32: Kinematics inverse solution has no solution.
    • 33 ~ 34: Linear motion has no adjacent solution.

2.14 clear_error_information()

  • Function: clear error message

2.15 set_joint_min(id,angle)

  • Function: Sets the minimum angle for the specified joint.

  • Parameters:

    • id: (int)
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.
    • angle: 0 - 180.
  • Return Value: None

2.16 set_joint_max(id,angle)

  • Function: Sets the maximum angle of the specified joint.
  • Parameter:
    • id: (int) joint id
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.
    • angle: 0 - 180
  • Return Value: None

2.17 get_basic_version()

  • Function: Get basic firmware version.
  • Return Value:
    • version (float)

2.18 set_communicate_mode(mode)

  • Function: Set basic communication mode.
  • Parameter:
    • mode (int) 0 - Turn off transparent transmission. 1 - Open transparent transmission
  • Return Value: None

3 MDI Mode

Notice: Different types of manipulators have different limits, and the angle and coordinate limits that can be set are also different. Refer to the parameter introduction section.

3.1 get_angles()

  • Function: get the degree of all joints.
  • Returns: A float list of all degree.

3.2 send_angle(id, degree, speed)

  • Function: Send one degree of joint to robot arm.

  • Parameters

    • id: Joint id(genre.Angle) / int 1-6
    • degree: degree value(float)
    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100

from pymycobot.mycobot import MyCobot
from pymycobot.genre import Angle

mycobot = MyCobot('/dev/ttyUSB0')
mycobot.send_angle(Angle.J2.value, 10, 50)

3.3 send_angles(degrees, speed)

  • Function: Send the degrees of all joints to robot arm.
  • Parameters:

    • degrees: a list of degree value(List[float]), length 6 or 4.

    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100


from pymycobot.mycobot import MyCobot
from pymycobot.genre import Angle

mycobot = MyCobot('/dev/ttyUSB0')
mycobot.send_angles([0,0,0,0,0,0], 80)

3.4 get_coords()

  • Function: get the Coords from robot arm, coordinate system based on base.

  • Returns: A float list of coord:[x, y, z, rx, ry, rz] or [x, y, z, rx]

3.5 send_coord(id, coord, speed)

  • Function: send one coord to robot arm.

  • Parameters:

    • id: coord id(genre.Coord) / int 1-6
    • coord: coord value(float)
    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100

from pymycobot.mycobot import MyCobot
from pymycobot.genre import Coord

mycobot = MyCobot('/dev/ttyUSB0')
mycobot.send_coord(Coord.X.value, -40, 70)

3.6 send_coords(coords, speed, mode)

  • Function: send all coords to robot arm.
  • Parameters:
    • coords: a list of coords value(List[float]), length 6.
    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100
    • mode: (int): 0 - angular, 1 - linear

from pymycobot.mycobot import MyCobot
from pymycobot.genre import Coord

mycobot = MyCobot('/dev/ttyUSB0')
mycobot.send_coords([160, 160, 160, 0, 0, 0], 70, 0)

3.7 get_encoders()

  • Function: get encoders of all joint
  • Parameter: a list of encoder values, at the length of 4 or 6

3.8 get_encoder(joint_id)

  • Function: get encoders of a joint
  • Parameter: joint ID, ranging from 1-4 or 1-6

3.9 get_radians()

  • Function: get the radians of all joints
  • Returns: A float list of radian

3.10 send_radians(radians, speed)

  • Function: send the radians of all joint to robot arm.
  • Parameter:
    • radians: a list of radian value(List[float]), length 6 or 4.
    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100

from pymycobot.mycobot import MyCobot
from pymycobot.genre import Angle

mycobot = MyCobot('/dev/ttyUSB0')
mycobot.send_radian([1,1,1,1,1,1], 70)

3.11 sync_send_angles(degrees, speed, timeout=7)

  • Description: send the angle in synchronous state and return when the target point is reached

  • Parameters:

    • degrees: a list of degree value(List[float]), length 6.
    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100
    • timeout: default 7s.

3.12 sync_send_coords(coords, speed, mode, timeout=7)

  • Function: send the coord in synchronous state and return when the target point is reached

  • Parameters:

    • coords: a list of coords value(List[float])
    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100
    • mode: (int): 0 - angular, 1 - linear
    • timeout: default 7s.

3.13 is_in_position(data, flag)

  • Function: judge whether in the position.

  • Parameters:

    • data: A data list, angles or coords, length 6 or 4.
    • flag: Tag the data type, 0 - angles, 1 - coords.
  • Return Value:

    • 1 - true
    • 0 - false
    • -1 - error

3.14 is_moving()

  • Function: judge whether the robot is moving
  • Return Value:
    • 1 moving
    • 0 not moving
    • -1 error

3.15 set_color(r, g, b)

  • Function: set the color of RGB light panel
  • Parameters:
    • R: 0-255
    • G: 0-255
    • B: 0-255
  • Return Value: None

3.16 get_radians()

  • Function: get radians of all arms
  • Return Value: a list of radian values

3.17 send_radians(radians, speed)

  • Function: send radians and speed to all arms
  • Parameters:
    • radians: radians values of arms
    • speed: speed of arms

3.18 set_encoders_drag(encoders,speeds)

  • Function: Send all encoders and speeds
  • Parameters:
    • encoders (list) : encoders list.
    • speeds: Obtained by the get_servo_speeds() method
  • Return Value: None

3.19 get_solution_angles()

  • Function: Get zero space deflection angle value.(This interface is only applicable to MyArm)
  • Return Value: angles

3.20 set_solution_angles(angle,speed)

  • Function: Set zero space deflection angle value.(This interface is only applicable to MyArm)

  • Parameters:

    • angle: Angle of joint 1.
    • speed: 1 - 100.
  • Return Value: None

3.21 set_transponder_mode(mode)

  • Function: Set serial port transmission mode.(This interface is only applicable to MyArm)

  • Parameters:

    • mode:
      • 0: Turn off transparent transmission
      • 1: Turn on transparent transmission, verify all data
      • 2: Turn on transparent transmission, only verify communication forwarding mode configuration information
  • Return Value: None

3.22 get_transponder_mode()

  • Function: Obtain the configuration information of serial transmission mode.(This interface is only applicable to MyArm)

  • Return Value:

    • 0: Turn off transparent transmission
    • 1: Turn on transparent transmission, verify all data
    • 2: Turn on transparent transmission, only verify communication forwarding mode configuration information (default is 0)

4 JOG Mode

4.1 jog_angle(joint_id, direction, speed)

  • Function: jog control angle

  • Parameters:

    • joint_id: (int) 1 ~ 6
    • direction: 0 - decrease, 1 - increase
    • speed: 0 ~ 100

4.2 jog_coord(coord_id, direction, speed)

  • Function: jog control coord.

  • Parameters:

    • coord_id: (int) 1 ~ 6
    • direction: 0 - decrease, 1 - increase
    • speed: 0 ~ 100


  • Function: stop jog moving
  • Return Value: None

4.4 pause()

  • Function: Pause motion
  • Return Value: None

4.5 resume()

  • Function: recovery motion
  • Return Value: None

4.6 stop()

  • Function: stop motion
  • Return Value: None

4.7 is_paused()

  • Function: judge whether the manipulator pauses or not
  • Returns :
    • 1 - paused
    • 0 - not paused
    • -1 - error

4.8 set_encoder(joint_id, encoder)

  • Function: set a single joint rotation to the specified potential value.

  • Parameters:

    • joint_id: (int) 1 ~ 6 or 1~4
    • encoder: 0 ~ 4096

4.9 get_encoder(joint_id)

  • Function: obtain the specified joint potential value.
  • Parameters: joint_id: (int) 1 ~ 6 or 1~4
  • Returns:
    • encoder: 0 ~ 4096

4.10 set_encoders(encoders, sp)

  • Function: Set the six joints of the manipulator to execute synchronously to the specified position.

  • Parameters:

    • encoders: A encoder list, length 6.
    • speed: speed 0 - 100

4.11 get_encoders()

  • Function: get the six joints of the manipulator.

  • Returns: a list of encoder (list)

4.12 jog_absolute(joint_id,angle,spedd)

  • Function: Jog absolute angle.
  • Parameters:
    • joint_id: (int)
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.
    • direction:
    • speed: 0 ~ 100
  • Returns: None

4.13 jog_increment(joint_id,angle,speed)

  • Function: Setp mode.
  • Parameters:
    • coord_id: (int)
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.
    • direction:
    • speed: 0 ~ 100
  • Returns: None

5 Servo Control

5.1 set_servo_calibration(servo_no)

  • Function: the current position of the calibration joint actuator is the angle zero point, and the corresponding potential value is 2048.
  • Parameters:
    • servo_no: Serial number of articulated steering gear, 1 - 6.
  • Return Value: None

5.2 focus_servo(servo_id)

  • Function: power on designated servo
  • Parameters: servo_id: 1 ~ 6 or 1~4
  • Return Value: None

5.3 joint_brake(joint_id)

  • Function: Make it stop when the joint is in motion, and the buffer distance is positively related to the existing speed
  • Parameters: joint_id: 1~7
  • Return Value: None

5.4 get_servo_speeds()

  • Function: Get joint velocity.
  • Return Value: list Speed of each joint.

5.5 get_servo_currents()

  • Function: Get joint current.
  • Return Value: list Current of each joint.

5.6 get_servo_voltages()

  • Function: Get joint voltage.
  • Return Value: list Voltage of each joint.

5.7 get_servo_temps()

  • Function: Get the temperature of each joint.
  • Return Value: list the temperature of each joint.

5.8 get_servo_status()

  • Function: power on designated servo
  • Return Value: list the state of each joint.

6 Atom IO Control

6.1 set_pin_mode(pin_no, pin_mode)

  • Function: set the state mode of the specified pin in atom
  • Parameters:
  • pin_no (int): Pin number.
  • pin_mode (int): 0 - input, 1 - output, 2 - input_pullup

  • Return Value: None

6.2 set_digital_output(pin_no, pin_signal)

  • Function: set digital state of a pin
  • Parameters

    • pin_no (int):
    • pin_signal (int): 0 / 1
  • Return Value: None

6.3 get_digital_input(self, pin_no)

  • Function: get digital state of a pin
  • Parameters: pin_no (int)
  • Return Value: signal value

6.4 set_pwm_output(channel, frequency, pin_val)

  • Function: PWM control.
  • Parameters:
    • channel (int): IO number.
    • frequency (int): clock frequency
    • pin_val (int): Duty cycle 0 ~ 256; 128 means 50%
  • Return Value: None

7 Gripper Control

7.1 is_gripper_moving()

  • Function: judge whether the gripper is moving or not

  • Return Value:

    • 0 : not moving
    • 1 : is moving
    • -1: error data

7.2 set_gripper_value(value, speed, gripper_type=None)

  • Function: Let the gripper rotate to the specified position at the specified speed
  • Parameter Description:
    • value: Indicates the position that the clamping jaw wants to reach, the value range is 0~100
    • speed: indicates the speed at which to rotate, the value range is 0~100
    • gripper_type: Gripper type, the default is adaptive gripper
      • 1: Adaptive gripper
      • 3: Parallel jaws
      • 4: Flexible gripper
  • Return value: None

7.3 get_gripper_value(gripper_type=None)

  • Function: Get the current position data information of the gripper
  • Parameter Description:
    • gripper_type: Gripper type, the default is adaptive gripper
      • 1: Adaptive gripper
      • 3: Parallel jaws
      • 4: Flexible gripper
  • Return value: Gripper data information

7.4 set_gripper_state(flag, speed, _type=None)

  • Function: Let the gripper enter the specified state at the specified speed
  • Parameter Description:
    • flag: 1 means the clamping jaw is closed, 0 means the clamping jaw is open.
    • speed: Indicates how fast to reach the specified state, the value range is 0~100
    • _type: Gripper type, the default is adaptive gripper
      • 1: Adaptive gripper
      • 2: Five-fingered dexterity
      • 3: Parallel jaws
      • 4: Flexible gripper
  • Return value: None

7.5 move_round()

  • Function: Drive the four-piece chess servo to make one turn counterclockwise. It takes 1.5s to complete one turn.

7.6 set_eletric_gripper(status)

  • Function: Set gripper mode (only for 350)
  • Parameter description: status: 1 means the clamping jaw is closed, 0 means the clamping jaw is open.
  • Return value: None

7.7 set_gripper_mode(status)

  • Function: Set gripper mode
  • Parameter description:
    • status: 1 transparent transmission mode, 0 I/O mode
  • Return value: None

7.8 get_gripper_mode()

  • Function: Get gripper status
  • Return value: status(int): 0 - Transparent transmission mode 1 - I/O mode

7.9 set_HTS_gripper_torque(torque)

  • Function: Set adaptive gripper torque
  • Parameter Description:
    • torque: 150 ~ 900
  • Return value: 0 - Setting failed; 1 - Setting successful

7.10 get_HTS_gripper_torque()

  • Function: Get adaptive gripper torque
  • Return value: 150 ~ 900

7.11 get_gripper_protect_current()

  • Function: Get gripper protection current
  • Return value: 1 ~ 500

7.12 init_gripper()

  • Function: Initialize gripper
  • Return value: 0 - initialization failed; 1 - initialization successful

7.13 set_gripper_protect_current(current)

  • Function: Set gripper protection current
  • Parameter Description:
    • current: 1 ~ 500
  • Return value: 0 - initialization failed; 1 - initialization successful

8 Basic IO Control

8.1 get_basic_input(pin_no)

  • Function: get bottom pin
  • Parameters:
  • pin_no (int) Pin number.
  • Return Value:
    • 0: in working state
    • 1: not in working state

8.2 set_basic_output(pin_no, pin_signal)

  • Function: set bottom pin

  • Parameters:

    • pin_no (int) Pin number
    • pin_signal (int): 0 / 1

9 Socket Control

The robotic arm needs to open the server, the server file is here.

# for mycobot,mecharm
from pymycobot import MyCobotSocket

mc = MyCobotSocket("", 9000)



10.1 set_ssid_pwd(account, password)

  • Function: change connected wifi (apply to m5 or seeed)

  • Parameters

    • account (str) : new wifi account.
    • password (str): new wifi password.
  • Return Value: None

10.2 get_ssid_pwd()

  • Function: get connected wifi account and password (apply to M5 or seed)

  • Return Value: present WIFI account and password

10.3 set_server_port(port)

  • Function: change the connection port of the server

  • Parameters

    • port (int): the new connection port of the server
  • Return Value: None

11 utils (Module)

Import utils before using it:

from pymycobot import utils

11.1 utils.get_port_list()

  • Function: get the all serial port list

  • Return Value: serial port list (list)

11.2 utils.detect_port_of_basic()

  • Description: Returns the serial port string of the first detected M5 Basic. If it is not found, it returns None.

  • Return: detected port (str) or `None


from pymycobot import MyCobot, utils
port = utils.detect_port_of_basic()
if port is None:
    raise Exception('Detection failed.')
mycobot = MyCobot(port, 115200)

12 Raspberry PI—GPIO

Import pymycobot first:

from pymycobot import MyCobot

12.1 gpio_init()

  • Function: init GPIO module, and set BCM mode
  • Return Value: None

12.2 set_gpio_mode()

  • Function: set pin coding method.

  • Parameters

    • mode (str) "BCM" or "BOARD"
  • Return Value: None

12.3 set_gpio_output(pin_no, state)

  • Function: set GPIO port output value.

  • Parameters:

    • pin (int): pin number
    • v (int): 0 / 1
  • Return Value: None

12.4 get_gpio_in(pin_no)

  • Function: get pin level status.
  • Parameters:
    • pin_no (int) pin id
  • Return Value:
    • 0:low
    • 1: high

12.5 gpio_output(pin,v)

  • Function: Set GPIO port output value.
  • Parameters:
    • pin (int) Pin number.
    • v (int): 0 / 1
  • Return Value: None

12.6 set_gpio_out(pin_no, mode)

  • Function: Set the pin as input or output.

  • Parameters:

    • pin_no (int) pin id.
    • mode (str) "in" or "out"
  • Return Value: None

13 Coordinate Transformation

13.1 set_tool_reference(coords)

  • Function: Set tool coordinate system.

  • Parameters:

    • coords: (list) [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz].
  • Return:None

13.2 set_world_reference(coords)

  • Function: Set world coordinate system.

  • Parameters:

    • coords: (list) [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz].
  • Return:None

13.3 get_world_reference()

  • Function: Get world coordinate system.

  • Return: list [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz].

13.4 set_reference_frame(rftype)

  • Function: Set base coordinate system.

  • Parameters:

    • rftype: 0 - base 1 - tool.
  • Return:None

13.5 get_reference_frame()

  • Function: Get base coordinate system.

  • Return: 0 - base 1 - tool.

13.6 set_movement_type(move_type)

  • Function: Set movement type.

  • Parameters:

    • move_type: 1 - movel, 0 - moveJ.
  • Return:None

13.7 get_movement_type()

  • Function: Get movement type.

  • Return: 1 - movel, 0 - moveJ.

13.8 set_end_type(end)

  • Function: Set end coordinate system.
  • Parameters:
    • end: 0 - flange, 1 - tool.
  • Return:None

13.9 get_end_type()

  • Function: Get end coordinate system.

  • Return: 0 - flange, 1 - tool.

14 Speed Planning

14.1 get_plan_speed()

  • Function: Get planning speed.

  • Return: [ movel planning speed, movej planning speed].

14.2 get_plan_acceleration()

  • Function: Get planning acceleration.

  • Return: [ movel planning acceleration, movej planning acceleration].


1 Overall Status

1.1 power_off(id=0)

  • Fuction: Close communication with Atom.

  • Parameters:

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

1.2 power_on(id=0)

  • Function: Open comminication with Atom.

  • Parameter

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

1.3 read_next_error(id=0)

  • Function: Robot Error Detection

  • Parameter

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

1.4 release_all_servos(id=0)

  • Function: Robot turns off torque output

  • Parameter

    **id** – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

    1.5 is_power_on(id=0)

  • Function: Adjust robot arm status

  • Parameter

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

  • Return Value:

    1 - power on 0 - power off -1 - error data

1.6 is_controller_connected(id=0)

  • Function: Wether connected with Atom.

  • Parameter

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

  • Return Value:

    0 - Not connected 1 - Connected

1.7 set_free_mode(id, value)

  • Function: set free mode

  • Parameter

    • id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

    • value - 0 - close 1 - open

1.8 set_fresh_mode(id, mode)

  • Function: set command refresh mode

  • Parameter

    • id – 1/2(L/R).

    • mode - int 0 - Always execute the latest command first. 1 - Execute instructions sequentially in the form of a queue.

1.9 release_servo(id,servo_id)

  • Function: Power off designated servo

  • Parameter

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • servo_id - 1 - 6.

1.10 is_free_mode(id)

  • Function: check if it is free mode

  • Parameter

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

  • Return Value:

    0 - No 1 - Yes

2 Operating Mode

2.1 stop(id)

  • Function: Stop moving

  • Parameters:

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W).

2.2 resume(id)

  • Function: Recovery movement

  • Parameters:

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W).

2.3 is_paused(id)

  • Function: Judge whether the manipulator pauses or not.

  • Parameters:

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W).

  • Return Value:

    1 - paused 0 - not paused -1 - error

2.4 get_speed(id)

  • Function: get speed

  • Parameters:

    id – 1/2/3(L/R/W).

  • Return Value:


  • Return Value:类型


2.5 set_speed(id,speed)

  • Function: set speed value

  • Parameters:

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • speed (int) - 0 - 100

2.6 get_joint_min_angle(id,joint_id)

  • Function: Gets the minimum movement angle of the specified joint

  • Parameters:

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • joint_id - (int) 1 - 6

  • Return Value:

    angle value(float)

2.7 is_servo_enable(id,servo_id)

  • Function: Determine whether all steering gears are connected

  • Parameters:

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • servo_id - (int) 1 ~ 6

  • Return Value:

    0 - disable 1 - enable -1 - error

2.8 is_all_servo_enable(id)

  • Function: Determine whether the specified steering gear is connected

  • Parameters:

    id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

  • Return Value:

    0 - disable 1 - enable -1 - error

2.9 set_joint_min(id,joint_id,angle)

  • Function: Set the joint minimum angle

  • Parameters:

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • joint_id - int 1-6.

    • angle - 0 ~ 180

2.10 get_robot_version(id)

  • Function: get robot version

  • Parameters:

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

2.11 get_system_version(id)

  • Function: get system version

  • Parameters:

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

2.12 get_joint_max_angle(id,joint_id

  • Function: Gets the maximum movement angle of the specified joint

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • joint_id - (int) 1 - 6

  • Return Value:


2.13 set_robot_id(id, new_id)

  • Function: set the robot's id

  • Parameters

    • id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

    • new_id - 1 - 253

2.14 joint_brake(id, joint_id)

  • Function: Make it stop when the joint is in motion, and the buffer distance is positively related to the existing speed

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • joint_id - 1 - 6

2.15 get_robot_id(id)

  • Function: Detect this robot id

  • Parameters:

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

3 MDI Mode

3.1 get_angles(id)

  • Function: Get the degree of all joints.

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2(L/R)

  • Return Value:

    A float list of all degree.

  • Return Value:


3.2 send_angle(id, joint, angle, speed)

  • Function: Send one degree of joint to robot arm.

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • joint – 1 ~ 6

    • angle - int

    • speed – 1 ~ 100

  • Return Value:

    • None

3.3 send_angles(id,degrees,speed)

  • Function: Send all angles to the robotic arm

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2(L/R).

    • degrees - [angle_list] len 6

    • speed - 1 - 100

3.4 set_joint_max(id,joint_id,angle)

  • Function: set the joint maximum angle

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • joint_id - int 1-6.

    • 角度 - 0 ~ 180

3.5 send_coord(id, coord, data, speed)

  • Function: Send a single coordinate to the robotic arm

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • coord – 1 ~ 6 (x/y/z/rx/ry/rz)

    • data - int

    • speed - 0 ~ 100

3.6 send_coords(id, coords, speed, mode)

  • Function: Send all coordinates to robotic arm

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2(L/R).

    • coords – a list of coords(List[float]),length 6,[x(mm), y, z, rx(angle), ry, rz]

    • speed - (int) 1 ~ 100

    • mode - (int) 0 - moveJ, 1 - moveL, 2 - moveC

3.7 get_coord(id,joint_id)

  • Function: Get the coordinates of the robotic arm

  • Parameters

    • id (int) – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • joint_id (int) – 1 - 7(7 is gripper)

3.8 get_encoder(id,joint_id)

  • Function: Obtain the specified joint potential value.

  • Parameters

    • id - 1/2/3(L/R/W).

    • joint_id - (int) 1 ~ 6

  • Return Value:

    0 ~ 4096

3.9 get_encoders(id)

  • Function: Get the six joints of the manipulator

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2(L/R).

  • Return Value:


3.10 get_radians(id)

  • Function: Get the radians of all joints

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2(L/R)

  • Return Value:

    A list of float radians [radian1, ...]

  • Return Value: list

3.11 send_radians(id, radians, speed)

  • Function: Send the radians of all joints to robot arm
  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2(L/R).

    • radians – a list of radian values(List[float]),length 6

    • speed - (int)0 ~ 100

3.12 is_in_position(id, data, mode)

  • Function: Detect whether in the position.

  • Parameters

    • id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W).

    • data – A data list, angles or coords. If id is 1/2. data length is 6. If id is 0. data len 13. if id is 3. data len 1

    • mode - 1 - coords, 0 - angles

  • Return Value:

    1 - True 0 - False -1 - error

3.13 is_moving(id)

  • Function: Detect if the robot is moving

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W).

  • Return Value:

    0 - not moving 1 - is moving -1 - error data

3.14 set_color(id, r=0, g=0, b=0)

  • Function: Set the light color on the top of the robot arm.

  • Parameters

    • id - 1/2(L/R)

    • r (int) – 0 ~ 255

    • g (int) – 0 ~ 255

    • b (int) – 0 ~ 255

3.15 set_encoder(id,joint_id,encoder,speed)

  • Function: Set a single joint rotation to the specified potential value.

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • joint_id - 1 - 6.

    • encoder – The value of the set encoder.

3.16 set_encoders(id,encoder,speed)

  • Function: Set the six joints of the manipulator to execute synchronously to the specified position.

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2(L/R).

    • encoders - A encoder list, length 6.

    • speed – speed 1 ~ 100

3.17 get_angle(id,joint_id)

  • Function: Get the angle of a single joint

  • Parameters

    • id (int) – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • joint_id (int) – 1 - 7(7 is gripper)

3.18 set_servo_calibration(id,servo_no

  • Function: The current position of the calibration joint actuator is the angle zero point,

    and the corresponding potential value is 2048.

  • Parameters:

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • servo_no – Serial number of articulated steering gear, 1 - 6.

3.19 set_joint_current(id,joint_id,current)

  • Function: Set Collision Current

  • Parameters:

    • id - 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

    • joint_id - 1 - 6

    • current – current value

3.19 get_coords(id)

  • Function: Read a single coordinate parameter

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2(L/R)

4 JOG Mode

4.1 jog_absolute(id,joint_id,angle,speed)

  • Function: Absolute joint control

  • Parameters:

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • joint_id - int 1-6.

    • angle - int

    • speed - int (0 - 100)

4.2 jog_angle(id,joint_id,direction,speed)

  • Function: Jog control joint

  • Parameters:

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • joint_id - int 1-6.

    • direction - 0 - decrease,1 - increase

    • speed - int (0 - 100)

4.3 jog_coord(id, coord_id, direction, speed)

  • Function: Jog control coordinate

  • Parameters:

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • coord_id – int 1-6 (x/y/z/rx/ry/rz).

    • direction - 0 - decrease,1 - increase

    • speed - int (0 - 100)

4.4 jog_inc_coord(axis,increment,speed)

  • Function: Double-arm coordinated coordinate stepping

  • Parameters:

    • axis – 1 - 6 (x/y/z/rx/ry/rz)

    • increment -

    • speed - 1 - 100

4.5 jog_increment(id,joint_id,increment,speed)

  • Function: step mode

  • Parameters:

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • joint_id - int 1-6.

    • increment -

    • speed - int (1 - 100)

4.6 jog_stop(id)

  • Function: JOG stop

  • Parameters:

    id – 1/2/3(L/R/W)

5 Servo COntrol

5.1 focus_servo(id,servo_id)

  • Function: Power on designated servo

  • Parameters:

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • servo_id - 1 - 6

5.2 get_servo_currents(id)

  • Function: Get joint current

  • Parameters:

    id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

  • Return Value:

    value mA

5.3 get_servo_status(id)

  • Function: Get joint status

  • Parameters:

    id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

  • Return Value:

    [voltage, sensor, temperature, current, angle, overload], a value of 0 means no error

5.4 get_servo_temps(id)

  • Function: Get joint temperature

  • Parameters:

    id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

5.5 get_servo_voltages(id)

  • Function: Get joint voltages

  • Parameters:

    id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

  • Return Value:

    volts < 24 V

6 Atom IO Control

6.1 set_pin_mode(id, pin_no, pin_mode)

  • Function: Set the state mode of the specified pin in atom.

  • Parameters:

    • id - 1/2(L/R)

    • pin_no (int) – pin number (1 - 5).

    • pin_mode (int) – 0 - input, 1 - output

6.2 set_digital_output(id, pin_no, pin_signal)

  • Function: Set atom IO output level

  • Parameters:

    • id - 1/2(L/R)

    • pin_no (int) - 1 - 5

    • pin_signal (int) – 0 / 1

6.3 get_digital_input(id, pin_no)

  • Function: signal

  • Parameters:

    • id - 1/2(L/R)

    • pin_no (int) - 1 - 5

6.4 set_pwm_output(id, channel, frequency, **6.1pin_val)

  • Function: PWM control

  • Parameters:

    • id - 1/2(L/R)

    • channel (int) – IO number (1 - 5).

    • frequency (int) – clock frequency (0/1: 0 - 1Mhz 1 - 10Mhz)

    • pin_val (int) – Duty cycle 0 ~ 100: 0 ~ 100%

7 Gripper Control

7.1 get_gripper_value(id)

  • Function: Get the value of gripper.

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2(L/R)

  • Return Value:

    gripper value (int)

7.2 is_gripper_moving(id)

  • Function: Judge whether the gripper is moving or not

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2(L/R)

  • Return Value:

    0 - not moving 1 - is moving -1 - error data

7.4 set_gripper_state(id, flag)

  • Function: Set gripper switch state

  • Parameters

    • id - 1/2(L/R)

    • flag (int) - 0 - close,1 - open

7.5 set_gripper_value(id, value, speed)

  • Function: Set gripper value

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2 (L/R)

    • value (int) – 0 ~ 100

    • speed (int) – 0 ~ 100

8 Socket Control

from pymycobot import MyBuddySocket

mst = MyBuddySocket("", 9000)
mst.connect("/dev/ttyACM0", "115200")


9 Raspberry PI-GPIO

9.1 set_gpio_input(pin)

  • Function: Set GPIO input value.

  • Parameters

    pin - (int)pin number.

9.2 set_gpio_mode(pin_no, mode)

  • Function: Init GPIO module, and set BCM mode.

  • Parameters

    • pin_no – (int)pin number.

    • mode – 0 - input 1 - output

9.3 set_gpio_output(pin, v)

  • Function: Set GPIO output value.

  • Parameters

    • pin - (int)pin number.

    • v - (int) 0 / 1

9.4 set_gpio_pwm(pin, baud, dc)

  • Function: Set GPIO PWM value.

  • Parameters

    • pin – (int)pin number.

    • baud – (int) 10 - 1000000

    • dc – (int) 0 - 100

10 Coordinate Transformation

10.1 set_tool_reference(id,coords)

  • Function: Set tool coordinate system

  • Parameters

    • id - 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

    • coords – a list of coords value(List[float]), length 6. [x(mm), y, z, rx(angle), ry, rz]

10.2 set_world_reference(id,coords)

  • Function: Set the world coordinate system

  • Parameters

    • id - 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

    • coords – a list of coords value(List[float]), length 6 [x(mm), y, z, rx(angle), ry, rz]

10.3 get_reference_frame(id)

  • Function: Get the base coordinate system

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

  • Return Value:

    0 - base 1 - tool

10.4 get_tool_reference(id)

  • Function: Get tool coordinate system

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

10.5 get_world_reference(id)

  • Function: Get the world coordinate system

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

10.6 set_reference_frame(id, rftype)

  • Function: Set the base coordinate system

  • Parameters

    • id - 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

    • rftype - 0 - base 1 - tool.

10.7 set_movement_type(id, move_type)

  • Function: Set movement type

  • Parameters

    • id - 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

    • move_type - 1 - movel,0 - moveJ

10.8 get_movement_type(id)

  • Function: Get movement type

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

  • Return Value:

    1 - movel 0 - moveJ

10.9 set_end_type(id, end)

  • Function: Set end coordinate system

  • Parameters

    • id - 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

    • end – 0 - flange, 1 - tool

10.10 get_end_type(id)

  • Function: Get end coordinate system

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

  • Return Value:

    0 - flange 1 - tool

10.11 write_base_coords(id, coords, speed)

  • Function: Base coordinate move

  • Parameters

    • id - 1/2(L/R)

    • coords – coords: a list of coords value(List[float]), length 6, [x(mm), y, z, rx(angle), ry, rz]

    • speed - 1 - 100

10.12 write_base_coord(id,axis, coord, speed)

  • Function: Base single coordinate movement

  • Parameters

    • id - 1/2(L/R)

    • axis – 1 - 6 (x/y/z/rx/ry/rz)

    • coord - Coordinate value

    • speed - 1 - 100

10.13 base_to_single_coords(base_coords, arm)

  • Function: Convert base coordinates to coordinates

  • Parameters:

    • coords – a list of base coords value len 6

    • arm – 0 - left. 1 - right

  • Return Value::


10.14 get_base_coord(id)

  • Function: Get the base coordinates of the single arm

  • Parameters:

    id – 1/2(L/R)

10.15 get_base_coords(\*args: int)

  • Function: Convert coordinates to base coordinates. Pass in parameters or no parameters

  • Parameters:

    • coords – a list of coords value(List[float]), length 6 [x(mm), y, z, rx(angle), ry, rz]

    • arm - 0 - L. 1 -

  • Return Value::

    Base coords

11 Speed Planning

11.1 get_plan_acceleration(id=0)

  • Function: Get planning acceleration

  • Parameters:

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

  • Return Value:

    [movel planning acceleration, movej planning acceleration].

11.2 get_plan_speed(id=0)

  • Function: Get planning speed

  • Parameters:

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

  • Return Value:

    [movel planning speed, movej planning speed].

11.3 set_acceleration(id, acc)

  • Function:Set acceleration during all moves

  • Parameters:

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • acc - 1 - 100

11.4 get_acceleration(id)

  • Function:Read acceleration during all moves

  • Parameters:

    id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

12 Collision Detection

12.1 get_joint_current(id,joint_id)

  • Function: Get Collision Current

  • Parameters:

    • id - 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

    • joint_id - 1 - 6

12.2 collision_switch(state)

  • Function: Collision Detection Switch

  • Parameters:

    state (int) – 0 - close 1 - open (Off by default)

12.3 collision(left_angles,right_angles)

  • Function: Collision detection main program

  • Parameters:

    • left_angles – left arm angle len 6.

    • right_angles – right arm angle len 6.

  • Returns


12.4 is_collision_on()

  • Parameters: Get collision detection status
  • Return Value::

    0 - disbale 1 - enable

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