ROS Introduction

  • What is ROS?

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ROS, which stands for Robot Operating System, is an open-source operating system designed for robots. It provides services required by an operating system, including hardware abstraction, low-level device control, implementation of common functionalities, inter-process communication, and package management. Additionally, ROS offers tools and libraries needed for cross-computer access, compilation, coding, and code execution.

The primary goal of ROS is to support code reuse in robot development. ROS is a framework for distributed processes, known as "nodes," encapsulated in software packages and functionalities that can be easily shared and distributed. ROS also supports a collaborative system similar to a code repository, enabling project collaboration and releases. This design allows for the development and implementation of projects independent of the file system and user interface, without being constrained by ROS. Simultaneously, integration of all projects can be done through ROS's fundamental tools.

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