
Our MyarmM750 mainly uses a Topic method for communication

Topic is one of the most commonly used communication mechanisms in ROS, which is based on the publisher-subscriber model, in which one node publishes messages as publishers and other nodes receive messages as subscribers. A publisher can publish messages to multiple subscribers at the same time, and subscribers can receive messages from multiple publishers. This approach is ideal for situations that require real-time data updates, such as processing and real-time control of sensor data.

Start by creating a Publisher in the .py file to publish our message to the MyarmM750

Next, open the terminal in the workspace and start ROS:


Create another terminal and enter:

soure devel/setup.bash
roslaunch myarm_m read_control.launch

Open RVIZ and then launch our file

Finally, we open a new terminal and enter:


We can see all the information about the node

The MyarmM750 is also in a state where it can be manually moved

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