Videos and Codes for Display

Videos given below are for reference.

Notice: The baud rates are different depending on the type of device. Before using them, refer to the information related thereto. The serial port number can be viewed through calculator device manager or a serial helper.

Please make sure the robot power on.

1 Get the joint angle

from pymycobot import MyArmM
import time

myarmm = MyArmM("COM3")

# Gets the current angle of all joints
angles = myarmm.get_joints_angle()
print(f"All current joint angles are: {angles}")


# Get the angle of joint 1
angle = myarmm.get_joint_angle(1)
print(f"The current angle of joint 1 is {angle}")

# Get the angle of joint 2
angle = myarmm.get_joint_angle(2)
print(f"The current angle of joint 2 is {angle}")

# Get the angle of joint 3
angle = myarmm.get_joint_angle(3)
print(f"The current angle of joint 3 is {angle}")

2 Control the joint to move five points

from pymycobot import MyArmM
import time

myarmm = MyArmM("COM3")

# Reset all joints at a speed of 40
myarmm.set_joints_angle([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 40)
#Wait for all joints to move to the specified position

# Move all joints at the specified angle at a speed of 40
myarmm.set_joints_angle([90, 45, -90, 90, -90, 90], 40)
# Wait for all joints to move to the specified position

# Reset all joints at a speed of 40
myarmm.set_joints_angle([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 40)
# Wait for all joints to move to the specified position

# Move all joints at the specified angle at a speed of 40
myarmm.set_joints_angle([90, 45, -90, 90, -90, 90], 40)
# Wait for all joints to move to the specified position

# Reset all joints at a speed of 40
myarmm.set_joints_angle([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 40)
# Wait for all joints to move to the specified position

# Move all joints at the specified angle at a speed of 40
myarmm.set_joints_angle([90, 45, -90, 90, -90, 90], 40)
# Wait for all joints to move to the specified position

3 The case for control procedures

Program address

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirement.txt

Run the program


Instructions for use of the program

There are sequential requirements for the opening of the serial port: first open the serial port connection of myArmM, and then open the serial port connection of myArmC.



After both serial ports are turned on, you can control the myArmM movement by moving myArmC.

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