MyArm MC remote operation case

The effect of this case is that the M750 will follow the C650 to move in the corresponding action

1 Environment configuration

1.1 Download python

Download address

Select the version you want to install, it is recommended to install version 3.7 or above

After double-clicking the installation package

Keep the default configuration and click Next directly If you select a custom software installation location, click Install (It is recommended that the file path for installation is a full English path, because some software installations will not open when encountering Chinese)

After the installation is complete, you can exit the current page, then press the Windows key + r on the keyboard and enter cmd pymycobot installation

pip install pymycobot --upgrade --user

1.2 Download the case program

Download the program address:

Download the program to the local

Unzip the file and enter the path where the case program is located

2 Case reproduction

After fixing the two robotic arms, first manually adjust the M750 to the posture shown in the figure below, then connect 24V, and then connect the USB data cable to the computer

Make sure that the display screens of both robotic arm bases show OK C650 M750

Then use the device manager to confirm the serial port numbers corresponding to the two robotic arms. You can confirm the serial port numbers by plugging and unplugging the USB data cable

Then run the program, fill in the serial port number of the M750, and press the Enter key on the keyboard.

Then adjust the C650 hand to the posture shown in the figure below.

Finally, run the program, fill in the serial port number of the C650, and press the Enter key on the keyboard.

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