myCobot API

1 Prerequisite for controlling the robotic arm

1.1 MyCobot (string port, int baud=115200)

Function: Instantiate MyCobot
Return value: None
Parameter Description: Parameter 1: Serial Port Number ("COM " on Windows (such as COM30) Parameter 2: Baud Rate (default is 115200)
Note: *If you want to call the following API, you need to first instantiate

1.2 Open()
Function: Open serial port
Return value: None
Parameter Description: None
Attention: To communicate with the robotic arm, you need to first open the serial port

1.3 Close()
Function: Close serial port
Return value: None
Parameter Description: None
Note: It is best to close the serial port at the end of the program

Overall Status of 2 Robots

2.1 PowerOn();
Function: Power on the robotic arm
Return value: None
Parameter Description: None
Note: After powering on the robotic arm, it will not be possible to manually move the arm
2.2 PowerOff()
Function: The robotic arm loses power
Return value: None
Parameter Description: None
Attention: After powering on the robotic arm, if you want to manually move it, you can use this API to make the robotic arm lose power

3 Input Program Control Mode MDI Mode and Robot Control (Manual Data Input)

3.1 SendOneAngle(int jointNo, int angle, int speed)
Function: Send single joint angle
Return value: None
Parameter Description: Parameter 1: Joint Number (1-6), Parameter 2: Angle (Range: -170 ° -170 °), Parameter 3: Speed (0-100)
Use case: Click to view)。

3.2 GetAngles()
Function: Obtain all joint angles
Return value: Returns an int type array, int [], length: 6
Parameter Description: None
Use case: Click to view)。

3.3 SendAngles (int [] angles, int speed)
Function description: Send all joint angles
Return value: None
Parameter Description: Parameter 1: All joint angles (range: -170 ° -170 °), Parameter 2: Speed (0-100)
Use case: Click to view)。

3.4 GetCoords()
Function: Obtain all coordinates
Return value: Returns an int type array, int [], length: 6
Parameter Description: None
Use case: Click to view)。

3.5 SendCoords(int[] coords, int speed, int mode)
Function: Send multi parameter coordinates
Return value: None
Parameter Description: Parameter 1: All coordinates (X, Y, and Z values range from -300 to 300.00 units in mm RX, RY, RZ, value range -180), Parameter 2: Speed (0 to 100), Parameter 3: Mode (0- angular, 1- linear)
Use case: Click to view)。

3.6 SendOneCoord(int coord, int value, int speed)
Function: Send single parameter coordinates
Return value: None
Parameter Description: Parameter 1: Coordinate Number (1-6 (x, y, z, rx, ry, rz)), Parameter 2: Coordinate (X, Y, Z value range -300-300.00 units mm RX, RY, RZ, value range -180-180), Parameter 3: Speed (0-100)
Use case: Click to view)

4 Atom End IO control Atom IO Control

4.1 SetDigitalOut(byte pin_number, byte pin_signal)
Function: Set the high and low levels of output IO
Return value: None
Parameter Description: Parameter 1: Pin Number (Atom Output Pin Number), Parameter 2: State (0- Low Level, 1- High Level)
Use case: Click to view)

4.2 GetDigitalIn(byte pin_number)
Function: Get input IO status
Return value: Pin status (0- low level, 1- high level)
Parameter Description: Pin Number (Atom Input Pin Number)
Use case: Click to view)

4.3 setGripperValue(byte angle, byte speed)
Function: Control adaptive gripper
Return value: None
Parameter Description: Parameter 1: Claw opening and closing angle (0-100, 0- closed, 100- maximum opening angle), Parameter 2: Claw opening and closing speed (0-100)
Use case: Click to view)

4.4 SetElectricGriper (byte open)
Function: Control electric gripper
Return value: None
Parameter description: Claw switch status (0- off, 1- on)

4.5 getGripperValue ()
Function: Obtain adaptive gripper angle
Return value: int type, returns the gripper angle (0- closed, 100- maximum open angle)
Parameter Description: None
Use case: Click to view)

5 Base M5Stack basicIO control M5Stack-basic IO Control

5.1 SetBasicOut(byte pin_number, byte pin_signal)
Function: Set the high and low levels of output IO
Return value: None
Parameter Description: Parameter 1: Pin Number (Basic Output Pin Number), Parameter 2: State (0- Low Level, 1- High Level)
Use case: Click to view)

5.2 GetBasicIn(byte pin_number)
Function: Get input IO status
Return value: Pin status (0- low level, 1- high level)
Parameter Description: Pin Number (Basic Input Pin Number)
Use case: Click to view)

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