Minirobot User Guide

1 Introduction to Minirobot

Minirobot is an application that controls the MyArm robotic arm by combining the 3 buttons of the robotic arm base with the on-screen display. Its functions include communication forwarding, zero calibration, status information), which is convenient for the operator to interact with the elephant robot and use the elephant robot correctly.

Applicable Equipment:

-MyArm C650

The product comes with all firmware pre-installed upon leaving the factory,there is no need to download them again. If you need to re-download or update, please refer to Section 5.2.3 for guidance.

2 How to use

After you have updated the basic firmware, plug in the power and press the power switch to start the Minirobot. The main interface displays Transponder, Calibration, and Information, and the selection is controlled by the three buttons at the bottom, which are up, down, and ok. If you want to use Transponder, please connect Type-C to your device first. (When using the key, if there is no response, please press and pause for a while and then release to ensure that the key is detected) Before the motion control, you need to confirm whether the zero position is normal, relax the mechanical arm and move it to the theoretical zero position, and use the communication protocol to read the angle value through transponder, if the zero deviation is too large, you need to use calibration to calibrate the zero position of each joint first, and use test to check whether the zero position is normal after the calibration is completed.

Note: If there is an abnormal motor communication, the end LED will be red, and the end LED will be green under normal circumstances. When there is a communication abnormality, the motion control cannot be controlled, and the clear_servo_error in the communication protocol needs to be called through the serial port, and the abnormality can be ignored to move

2.1 Communication Forwarding

Enter the communication forwarding interface, you can control the robotic arm by sending commands in the communication protocol through the serial port assistant on your device.

2.2 Zero calibration

The zero calibration interface allows you to calibrate the joint zero and test the zero position.

2.3 Status Information

The status information interface allows you to view the motor connection status and firmware version number.

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