Introduction to API

API or Application Programming Interface refers to a number of preset programs. Before utilization, it is required to import API library:

from pymycobot import MyArmC 

# Example
myarmc = MyArmC('/dev/ttyAMA1')

# Gets the current angle of all joints
angles = myarmc.get_joints_angle()

1. Query the status of the bot

1.1 get_robot_modified_version()

  • Function: Get the bot correction version number
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value: None

1.2 get_robot_firmware_version()

  • Function: Obtaining the Robot Firmware Version (Major and Minor Versions)
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value: None

1.3 get_robot_tool_modified_version()

  • Function: Get the remediation version of the bot tool
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value: None

1.4 get_robot_tool_firmware_version()

  • Function: Get the Robot Tool Firmware Version (End Atom)
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value: None

1.5 set_robot_err_check_state(status)

  • Function: Set Error Detection Status You can turn off error detection, but do not turn it off unless necessary
  • Parameters:
    • status - int
      • 1 - open
      • 0 - close
  • Return value: None

1.6 get_robot_err_check_state()

  • Function: Read error detection status
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value:
    • 1 - open
    • 0 - close

1.7 get_robot_error_status()

  • Function: Get the bot error status, this interface returns within 15s
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value: No error: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] assuming that error 1 and 3 are reported in section 1, it should return: [[1,3],0,0,0,0,0,0,0]

1.8 get_robot_power_status()

  • Function: Get the robot power status
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value:
    • 1 - power on
    • 0 - power off

1.9 set_robot_power_on()

  • Function: Set the robot to the power-on state
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value: None

1.10 set_robot_power_off()

  • Function: Set the robot to a shutdown state
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value: None

1.11 clear_robot_err()

  • Function: Clear the robot abnormality, ignore the error joint, and continue to move
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value: None

1.12 get_recv_queue_max_len()

  • Function: The total length of the queue for read and receive commands
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value:
    • max_len: (int) Total length of the command queue, default value 100

1.13 set_recv_queue_max_len(max_len)

  • Function: Set the total length of the receiving command queue
  • Parameters:
    • max_len: (int) Queue length
  • Return value: None

1.14 clear_recv_queue()

  • Function: Clear the queue for receiving commands
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value: None

1.15 get_recv_queue_len()

  • Function: The current length of the read and receive command queue
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value:
    • queue_len: (int) The current command queue length

2. Joint servo control

2.1 get_joint_angle(joint_id)

  • Function: Gets the current angle of the specified joint
  • Parameters:
    • joint_id: The designated joint of the robotic arm, with a range of 1~6
  • Return value:
    • angle Represents the angle of the current joint

2.2 get_joints_angle()

  • Function: Gets the current angle of all joints
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value:
    • angles Returns a floating-point list representing the current angles of all joints

2.3 get_joints_max()

  • Function: Read the maximum angle of all joints
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value:
    • angles Returns a floating-point list representing the maximum angle of all joints

2.4 get_joints_min()

  • Function: Read the minimum angle of all joints
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value:
    • angles Returns a floating-point list representing the minimum angle of all joints

3. Servo motor control

3.1 set_servo_calibrate(servo_id)

  • Function: Sets the zero position of the specified servo motor
  • Parameters:
    • servo_id Indicates the servo motor index bit, with values ranging from 1 - 6.
  • Return value: None

3.2 get_servo_encoder(servo_id)

  • Function: Gets the current encoder potential value for the specified servo motor
  • Parameters:
    • servo_id: (int) Indicates the servo motor index bit, with values ranging from 1 - 6.
  • Return value:
    • encoder:(int) Represents the potential value of the robotic arm, and the value range is 0 ~ 4096

3.3 get_servos_encoder()

  • Function: Obtain the current encoder potential values for multiple servo motors
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value:
    • encoders: (list[int]) Represents the potential value of the manipulator, the value range is 0 ~ 4096, the length of the six axes is 6, the length of the four axes is 4, and the expression method is: [2048,2048,2048,2048,2048,2048]

3.4 set_servos_encoder_drag(encoders, speeds)

  • Function: Set multiple servo motors with a specified speed to the target encoder potential value
  • Parameters:
    • encoders: (list[int]) encoders
    • speeds: (list[int]) speeds
  • Return value: None

3.5 get_servos_speed()

  • Function: Gets the current motion speed of multiple servo motors
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value:
    • speeds: (list[int]) Servo motor movement speed

3.6 is_all_servos_enabled()

  • Function: Get the connection status of multiple servo motors
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value:
    • status: (list[int])
      • 1 : The connection is successful
      • 0 : The connection failed

3.7 get_servos_temp()

  • Function: Obtain the temperature of multiple servo motors
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value: list(float) The temperature of each servo motor

3.8 get_servos_voltage()

  • Function: Get the voltage of multiple servo motors
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value: list(float) The voltage of each servo motor

3.9 get_servos_current()

  • Function: Obtain the current of multiple servo motors
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value: list(float) Current per servo motor

3.10 get_servos_status()

  • Function: Get all the statuses of multiple servo motors
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value: list(int) The status of each servo motor

3.11 get_servos_protect_current()

  • Function: Multiple servo motor protection currents are obtained
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value: list(int) Protection current for each servo motor

3.12 set_servo_enabled(joint_id, state)

  • Function: Set the torque switch of the servo motor
  • Parameters:
    • joint_id: (int)Motor index bits
    • state: (int)
      • 1 - focus
      • 0 - release
  • Return value: None

4. Servo motor system parameter modification

4.1 set_servo_p(servo_id, data)

  • Function: Sets the proportionality factor of the position loop P of the specified servo motor
  • Parameters:
    • servo_id: (int) Motor index bits
    • data: (int) Ring P scale factor
  • Return value: None

4.2 get_servo_p(servo_id)

  • Function: Reads the position loop P scale factor of the specified servo motor
  • Parameters:
    • servo_id: (int) Motor index bits
  • Return value: Ring P scale factor

4.3 set_servo_i(servo_id, data)

  • Function: Set the proportional factor of the position ring I of the specified servo motor

  • Parameters:

    • servo_id: (int) Motor index bit, value range 0 - 254
    • data: (int) Ring I scale factor, value range 0 - 254
  • Return value: None

4.4 get_servo_i(servo_id)

  • Function: Reads the position loop I scale factor of the specified servo motor
  • Parameters:
    • servo_id: (int) Motor index bit, value range 0 - 254
  • Return value:
    • data: (int) Ring I scale factor, range 0 -254

4.5 set_servo_d(servo_id, data)

  • Function: Sets the proportional factor for the position ring D of the specified servo motor

  • Parameters:

    • servo_id: (int) The index number of the servo motor, 1 - 6 according to the joint ID
    • data: (int) 0 - 254
  • Return value: None

4.6 get_servo_d(servo_id)

  • Function: Reads the position ring D scale factor for the specified servo motor
  • Parameters:
    • servo_id: (int) The index number of the servo motor, 1 - 6 according to the joint ID
  • Return value:
    • data: (int) 0 - 254

4.7 set_servo_cw(servo_id, data)

  • Function: Sets the clockwise insensitivity zone of the encoder for the specified servo motor
  • Parameters:
    • servo_id: (int) The index number of the servo motor, 1 - 6 according to the joint ID
    • data: (int) 0 - 32
  • Return value: None

4.8 get_servo_cw(servo_id)

  • Function: Reads the clockwise insensitive area of the encoder for the specified servo motor

  • Parameters:

    • servo_id: (int) The index number of the servo motor, 1 - 6 according to the joint ID
  • Return value:
    • data: (int) 0 - 32

4.9 set_servo_cww(servo_id, data)

  • Function: Sets the counterclockwise insensitive zone of the encoder for the specified servo motor
  • Parameters:
    • servo_id: (int) The index number of the servo motor, 1 - 6 according to the joint ID
    • data: (int) 0 - 32
  • Return value: None

4.10 get_servo_cww(servo_id)

  • Function: Reads the counterclockwise insensitive area of the encoder of the specified servo motor
  • Parameters:
    • servo_id: (int) The index number of the servo motor, 1 - 6 according to the joint ID
  • Return value: None

4.11 set_servo_system_data(servo_id, addr, data, mode)

  • Function: Set the system parameters for the specified servo motor

  • Parameters:

    • servo_id: (int) The index number of the servo motor, 1 - 6 according to the joint ID
    • addr: (int) Data address
    • data: (int) 0-4096 data
    • mode: (int) 1/2
  • Return value: None

4.12 get_servo_system_data(servo_id, addr, mode)

  • Function: Read the system parameters of the specified servo motor

  • Parameters:

    • servo_id: (int) The index number of the servo motor, 1 - 6 according to the joint ID
    • addr: (int) Data address
    • mode: (int) 1/2
  • Return value: data

5. IO 控制

5.1 set_master_out_io_state(io_number, status)

  • Function: Set the master pin status
  • Parameters:
    • io_number: (int) Pin position, value range 1 - 2
    • status: (int)
      • 1 - High level
      • 0 - Low level
  • Return value: None

5.2 get_master_in_io_state(io_number)

  • Function: Read the status of the master pins
  • Parameters:
    • io_number: (int) Pin position, value range 1 - 2
  • Return value:
    • 1 - High level
    • 0 - Low level

5.3 set_tool_out_io_state(io_number, status)

  • Function: Sets the end pin status
  • Parameters:
    • io_number: (int) Pin position, value range 1 - 2
    • status: (int)
      • 1 - High level
      • 0 - Low level
  • Return value: None

5.4 get_tool_in_io_state(io_number)

  • Function: Read the state of the end pins
  • Parameters:
    • io_number: (int) Pin position, value range 1 - 2
  • Return value:
    • 1 - High level
    • 0 - Low level

6. Atom control

6.1 set_tool_led_color(r, g, b)

  • Function: Set the Atom LED color
  • Parameters:
    • R: (int) 0 - 255
    • G: (int) 0 - 255
    • B: (int) 0 - 255
  • Return value: None

6.2 is_tool_btn_clicked()

  • Function: Read the Atom press status
  • Parameters: None
  • Return value:
    • 1 - Pressed
    • 0 - Not pressed

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