1 myStudio Environmental construction

myStudio Download

Note: The installation path of myStudio should not have any space during installation

download link:

1. GitHub

-After entering the download address, click on the right myStudio, select the corresponding version to download.

Take myStudio v3.5.7 as an example

-Different suffixes represent different systems, please download the corresponding version:

  • *. APPIMAGE -Linux system
  • *. DMG -MAC system
  • *. Exe -Window system

2. Official website address

According to the computer system, select myStudio 2.0.


Install mystudio for Linux system

Download the myStudio version of the linux version from the official website to get a installation package as shown below

Select the myStudio-Latest.appimage Right-click on the mouse, clickproperTies to open

click enter Permissions

Permissions page checksAllow Executing File as Program, then click the CLOSE button to close the pop -up window

After the pop-up window is turned off, double-click the mouse to install the package myStudio-latest.appimage to open myStudio

Install myStudio for Windows system

Double -click to open the file named Mystudio_Setup_latest.exe, and then clickRun

click Next

After clicking the install, wait for myStudio installation to complete

After the installation is complete, click the Finishbutton to open and run myStudio

Install myStudio on Mac

Download the Mac version of myStudio from the official website to get an installation package as shown below. Double-click to open it.

Note: For MacOS, make sure system "Preferences->Security & Privacy->General" and Allow Apps from App Store and Recognized Developers are enabled before installing.


For Linux systems uninstall myStudio

Just delete the installation package directly

The default name of the installation package is myStudio-latest.AppImage

Uninstall myStudio for Mac systems

Just move myStudio to the Trash in the application

Uninstall myStudio for Windows systems

Enter the file directory of myStudio and click to run Uninstall myStudio.exe

Click Next

myStudio has been uninstalled, click Finish to exit


In myStudio you can click the Update button to update

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