Application Cases


myArm C650 Robotics Controller(Controller)

The myArm C650, as a general purpose 6-degree-of-freedom robot motion information acquisition device, is designed to meet the needs of education, research and industry for robot motion data acquisition and analysis.

With a lightweight design, the C650 weighs only 1.8kg while maintaining a horizontal reach of 650mm and a total span of 1300mm, the design significantly reduces inertial forces during robot movement, thus improving the arm's responsiveness and accuracy.


The C650 uses high-precision digital servo motors and all joints are equipped with 4096-bit encoders. Its 6-degree-of-freedom design can easily simulate the movement of a human arm to perform diverse tasks. The two-finger remote control + dual custom button control with logging support allows users to precisely control the movements of the robotic arm through simple gestures and button commands, thus enabling direct and immediate feedback on the robot's behaviour.

The modular design and high flexibility of the arm allows the operator to precisely control the arm via finger controllers and smart buttons. Through high precision magnetic encoders and high speed data sampling, the arm is able to accurately capture every tiny movement of the operator, ensuring high quality data acquisition.


The myArm C650 robotic arm captures and transmits key state information such as joint angles and velocities in real time, providing reliable data support to enable fine-grained management of complex robot control systems for subsequent motion replication or end-to-end data training.

In the process of teaching or data acquisition, the robot arm can also copy or learn the operator's arm and hand movements, and act as a teach pendant and data acquisition device.

The high degree of flexibility and adaptability allows the C650 to provide accurate motion tracking and data acquisition in a variety of experimental and teaching scenarios. The configuration also supports remote control of robots with complex configurations, demonstrating the potential applications of the myArm C650 in education and research in the discipline of robotics.


The myArm C650's compatibility with Python and ROS, coupled with the availability of open-source remote control demonstration files, greatly broadens its field of application, enabling users to directly control a wide range of cutting-edge robotic systems, including the myArm M750, myCobot Pro 630, and Mercury B1.

This feature not only enhances the versatility of the myArm C650, but also facilitates users to operate a wider range of advanced robotics platforms.


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