Product List

1 Product List Picture

Product list picture

Each product is numbered and detailed to ensure you can accurately reference your listing.

2 Product Standard List Comparison Table

Serial number Product Quantity
1 Mycobot Pro630 Robotic Arm 1
2 48V power adapter 1
3 Emergency stop switch 1
4 Installing the base plate 1
5 G-clip 2
6 HDMI cable 1
7 M8 aviation plug-in line 1
8 Back M6 screws 4
9 Back M5 screw 5
10 M5 wrench 1
11 8Pin plug-in terminal block 2
12 Product Brochure 1

Note: After the packaging box is in place, please confirm that the robot is well packaged. If there is any damage, please contact the logistics company and supplier in your area in time. After unpacking, please count the actual contents in the box according to the item list.

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