Product unboxing guide

1 Product unboxing graphic guide

  In this section, we strongly recommend that you follow the steps specified to remove the product. Not only does this help ensure that the product is not damaged during shipping, it also minimizes the risk of unexpected failure. Please read the following graphic guide carefully to ensure the safety of your product during the unboxing process.

  • Before unpacking, check the box for damage. If there is any damage, please contact the logistics company and supplier in your area in time.
  • Open the packaging box and take out the product manual, sponge packaging cover, myCobot robotic arm, supporting power supply, emergency stop switch, tablet base, and accessory package.
  • Make sure each step is completed before proceeding to the next to prevent unnecessary damage or omissions.

Note: After taking out the product, please carefully check the appearance of each item. Please check the actual items in the box against the item list.

2 Product unboxing video guidance

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