Developed based on Python API

  Elephant provides Python API to remotely control the robot. We use TCP protocol to communicate between the client and the robot, so before using our API, you need to follow the documentation and operate the following.

1 Environment setup

1.1 Install Python

  • Python official download address:
  • It is recommended to install version 3.7 and above
  • Click the Downloads option to start downloading Python, click Add Python 3.10 to PATH, click Install Now to start installing Python

  • The prompt "Setup was successful" appears, indicating that the installation is complete

1.2 pymycobot installation

  • pymycobot installation. Open a console terminal (shortcut key Win+R, enter cmd to enter the terminal), enter the following command and press the Enter key on the keyboard to install:
pip install pymycobot --upgrade

2 Enable TCP server function

2.1 Log in to RoboFlow operating system

  After the robot is powered on, use VNC Viewer to enter the Raspberry Pi and log in to the RoboFlow operating system.

2.2 Start the robot

  Enter the configuration center and click the Start Robot button

2.3 Check whether the TCP server is open

  Return to the main menu, click Write Program, and then click the blank program. After entering the program editing interface, click the Configuration button, click the Network/Serial Port option, and check whether the TCP server is turned on. Normally, TCP server is the default If it is turned on, if it is not turned on, it needs to be turned on manually.

3 Python API interface description

3.1 ElephantRobot class instantiation

"Import ElephantRobot class from pymycobot library"
from pymycobot import ElephantRobot

"Connect to robot server"
elephant_client = ElephantRobot("", 5001)

"Start TCP communication"

Using the Python API, you must first instance the ElephantRobot class before calling the functional functions of mycobot pro630

  • Required parameters:    Parameter 1: Actual IP address of the robot    Parameter 2: Robot port (API function port is fixed at 5001)

    3.2 Function introduction

    def start_client():
  • Function: Open TCP connection (If you want to use Python API to control the robot, you must call this API)
  • Parameters: None

def stop_client():

  • Function: Close TCP connection
  • Parameters: None

def send_command(command):

  • Function: Send instructions to the server
  • Parameter: instruction (string type)

def string_to_coords(data):

  • Function: Convert string type data to list type data
  • Parameter: String type data

def string_to_double(data):

  • Function: Convert string type data to double precision floating point data
  • Parameter: String type data

def string_to_int(data):

  • Function: Convert string type data to integer type data
  • Parameter: String type data

def invalid_coords():

  • Function: Return an invalid Cartesian coordinate to the server
  • Parameters: None

def get_angles():

  • Function: Request the current joint angle information from the server
  • Parameters: None

def get_coords():

  • Function: Request the current Cartesian pose information from the server
  • Parameters: None

def get_speed():

  • Function: Request the robot movement rate from the server
  • Parameters: None

def power_on():

  • Function: Power on the robot
  • Parameters: None

def power_off():

  • Function: Power off the robot
  • Parameters: None

def check_running():

  • FEATURE: Check if the bot is running
  • Parameters: None

def state_check():

  • Function: Get robot status
  • Parameters: None

def read_next_error(data):

  • FEATURE: Robot error detection
  • Parameters: None

def write_coords(coords,speed):

  • Function: Send the overall coordinates and attitude to move the robot arm head from the original point to the designated point
  • Parameters: Robot Cartesian pose (list type), robot arm movement speed: [0-6000]

def write_coord(axis, value, speed):

  • Function: Send a single coordinate value to the robot arm for movement
  • Parameters: Cartesian position of the robot [0 represents x, 1 represents y, 2 represents z, 3 represents rx, 4 represents ry, 5 represents rz], the coordinate value to be reached, the speed of the robot arm movement: [ 0-6000]

def write_angles(angles,speed):

  • Function: Send all angles to all joints of the robotic arm
  • Parameters: joint angle (list type), speed of robot arm movement: [0-5999]

def write_angle(joint, value, speed):

  • Function: Send the specified single joint motion to the specified angle
  • Parameters: Specify the joint [0 represents j1, 1 represents j2, 2 represents j3, 3 represents j4, 4 represents j5, 5 represents j6], joint angle, and the speed of the robot arm movement: [0-5999]

def set_speed(percentage):

  • FEATURE: Set speed
  • Parameter: target speed

def set_carte_torque_limit(axis_str, value):

  • Function: Set the torque limit of the robot
  • Parameters: x/y/z/rx /ry/rz, torque

def set_payload(payload):

  • FEATURE: Set the robot's payload
  • Parameter: Range 0.0 ~ 2.0

def state_on():

  • Function: Start the system
  • Parameters: None

def state_off():

  • Function: Shut down the system
  • Parameters: None

def task_stop():

  • Function: Task Pause
  • Parameters: None

def jog_angle(joint_str, direction, speed):

  • Function: Control the robot to continuously move at a specified angle
  • Parameter: The joint of the robot arm [J1/J2/J3/J4/J5/J6], mainly controls the direction of movement of the robot arm [-1=negative direction, 0=stop, 1=positive direction], robot speed of movement

def jog_coord(axis_str, direction, speed):

  • Function: Control the robot to continuously move in the specified coordinate axis direction
  • Parameter: Cartesian direction [x/y/z/rx/ry/rz], mainly controls the direction of movement of the robot arm [-1=negative direction, 0=stop, 1=positive direction], robot speed of movement

def get_digital_in(pin_number):

  • Function: Get input pin signal
  • Parameter:Pin number [0 ~ 5 corresponds to the base electrical interface OUT 1 ~ 6; 16 ~ 17 corresponds to the end of the robot electrical interface OUT 1 ~ 2]

def get_digital_out(pin_number):

  • Function: Get output pin signal
  • Parameter: Pin number [0 ~ 5 corresponds to the base electrical interface OUT 1 ~ 6; 16 ~ 17 corresponds to the end of the robot electrical interface OUT 1 ~ 2]

def set_digital_out(pin_number, pin_signal):

  • Function: Set output pin signal
  • Parameters: Pin number [0 ~ 5 corresponds to the base electrical interface OUT 1 ~ 6; 16 ~ 17 corresponds to the end of the robot electrical interface OUT 1 ~ 2], pin status [0=low level, 1=high level]

def get_acceleration():

  • Function: Get the acceleration of the robot
  • Parameters: None

def set_acceleration(acceleration):

  • Function: Set the acceleration of the robot
  • Parameter: Acceleration

def command_wait_done():

  • Function: Wait until the last motion command is completed (This API function must be added after all motion API functions)
  • Parameters: None

def wait(seconds):

  • Function: Waiting time (in seconds)
  • Parameters: None

def assign_variable(var_name, var_value):

  • Function: Assign values to defined variables
  • Parameters: variable name (string type), target value

def get_variable(var_name):

  • Function: Get the value of a variable
  • Parameter: variable name (string type)

def jog_relative(joint_id, angle, speed, mode):

  • Function: relative movement from the current position to a certain coordinate axis direction, or relative movement from the current joint angle to a certain joint angle
  • Parameter: relative movement direction or angle ['J1'——'J6', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'RX', 'RY', 'RZ'], relative movement distance or angle, movement speed, movement mode [0 or 1]

def set_gripper_mode(mode):

  • Function: set the adaptive gripper control mode
  • Parameter: 0 or 1, 0 represents transparent mode, 1 represents IO control mode

def set_gripper_calibrate():

  • Function: calibrate the adaptive gripper servo potential value
  • Parameter: None

def set_gripper_state(state, speed):

  • Function: set the adaptive gripper to be fully open or closed
  • Parameter: 0 or 1 [0 for fully open, 1 for fully closed], speed [1-100]

def set_gripper_value(self, value, speed):

  • Function: Set the adaptive gripper opening stroke
  • Parameter: Stroke [0-100], speed [1-100]

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