Control the robotic arm to return to the origin

Preparation before you begin

  • Make sure the robotic arm is connected to the computer

  • Make sure the machine is normal

  • Make sure the machine is power on

Learning content of this chapter

How to use myBlockly to control the robot arm to return to the origin

API introduction

  • Method module: Set angle

  • Parameter introduction:

    This module has two parameters that can be adjusted:

    • Joint angle parameters: If the robot arm returns to the origin, all joint angle parameters need to be set to 0

    • Speed parameter: 0-100

  • Purpose: Control the robotic arm and return the angles of all axes of the robotic arm to the origin (angle is 0)

Simple Demonstration

  • Implementation content: Control the movement of the robotic arm to return to the origin, so that the angles of all axes of the robotic arm are 0

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