Control single joint movement

Preparation before you begin

  • Make sure the robotic arm is connected to the computer

  • Make sure the machine is normal

  • Make sure the machine is power on

Learning content of this chapter

How to use myBlockly to control the single joint movement of the robotic arm

API introduction

  • method module:Set Joint

  • Parameter introduction:

    This method has three parameters that can be adjusted:

    • Joint parameters: The parameter range is: 1-6 (corresponding to the 6 joints of the robotic arm);

    • Angle parameters: refer to the parameters of the corresponding model

    • Speed: Controls the speed of the robot arm movement. The parameter range is: 0~100
  • Purpose: Control the single joint movement of the robotic arm

Simple demonstration

  • The graphics code is as follows:

  • Implementation content:

    Control joint 1 of the robotic arm to run at a speed of 50 to the position of joint 1 with an angle of 20. After one second,

    Control the 2nd joint of the robotic arm to move at a speed of 50 to the position of the 2nd joint angle of 20. After one second,

    Control the 3 joints of the robotic arm to run at a speed of 50 to the position of the 3 joint angle of 20. After one second,

    Control the 4 joints of the robotic arm to run at a speed of 50 to the position of the 4 joint angle of 20. After one second,

    Control the 5 joints of the robotic arm to run at a speed of 50 to the position of joint 5 with an angle of 20. After one second,

    Control the 6 joints of the robotic arm to run at a speed of 50 to the position of the 6 joint angle of 20

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