Raspberry Pi system environment

The Raspberry Pi version comes with an Ubuntu (V-20.04) system and a built-in development environment, so you don’t need to build and manage it, Just update the mercury_ros package.

mercury_ros is a ROS1 package launched by Elephant Robot for its Mercury series robotic arms.

ROS1 Project address: http://github.com/elephantrobotics/mercury_ros

Robotic arm API driver library address: https://github.com/elephantrobotics/pymycobot

1 Update the mercury_ros package

In order to ensure that users can use the latest official package in time (new users do not need to update), they can go to the /home/er/catkin_ws/src folder through the file manager and click the ROS1 Shell icon on the desktop or the corresponding icon in the lower bar of the desktop to open the ROS1 environment terminal:

Then run the command to update:

# Clone the code on github
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/elephantrobotics/mercury_ros.git # Please check the attention section below before deciding whether to execute this command
cd ~/catkin_ws     # Back to work area
catkin_make # Build the code in the workspace
source devel/setup.bash # add environment variable

Note: If the mercury_ros folder already exists in the /home/er/catkin_ws/src (equivalent to ~/catkin_ws/src) directory, you need to delete the original mercury_ros before executing the above command. Among them, ubuntu in the directory path is the user name of the virtual machine. If it is inconsistent, please modify it.

So far, the ROS1 environment construction has been completed.You can learn the basics of ROS or ROS use cases.

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