Structural dimension parameter

❕This chapter uses millimeters as the unit of distance and degrees as the unit of angle.

1 Product size and working space

When selecting the installation position of the robot, it is essential to consider the cylindrical space directly above and below the robot, and try to avoid moving the tool into these cylindrical spaces as much as possible. This is because doing so can cause the joints to rotate too quickly when the tool moves slowly, resulting in inefficient robot operation and making risk assessment difficult.

Figure 2.3.1 Product Dimensions

Figure 2.3.2 Product Workspace

2 Base Mounting Dimensions

Figure 2.3.3 BaseMountingDimensions

3 End Flange Dimensions

Figure 2.3.4 EndEffectorDimensions

4 3D model download

Product 3D model can be provided to provide reference materials for customers. Download link:

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