Detailed explanation of building block interface

This chapter introduces the meaning of building blocks and the explanation of input items in blockly.

The building blocks in the basic programming classification are beyond the scope of this chapter

Some notes:

1、Python Prototypes in interface explanation, herecan be found.

2、Interfaces with return values need to be used with the Print building block in the Text category under the Basic Program category. When running the code, the Print block will print out the return value.

for example:

Wrong way to use:

Correct way to use:

Motion control category

Drag & Teach category

Recording track

  • Python Prototype: drag_tech_save()

  • Interface Description: After use, the robotic arm will relax and can be dragged by the user, and the user's drag trajectory will be recorded in real time.

Execute track

  • Python Prototype: drag_tech_execute()

  • Interface Description: Play user-recorded tracks

Pause recording

  • Python Prototype: drag_tech_pause()
  • Interface Description: Pause recording. The robotic arm will be locked and cannot be dragged.

Track clear

  • Python Prototype: drag_teach_clean()

  • Interface Description: Clear user-recorded tracks

Angle & Coord category

Send Angles

  • Python Prototype: send_angles(angles,speed)
  • Interface Description: Send all angles to robot arm.

  • Params

    • angles: coords(List[float])
    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100

Set Coord

  • Python Prototype: send_coords(coords,speed,mode)

  • Interface Description: Send all coordinates to the robot arm.

  • Params

    • coords: coords(List[float])

    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100

Get Angles

  • Python Prototype: get_angles()

  • Interface Description: Get the degrees of all joints

  • Return:

    • joint angle value

Get Joint Angle

  • Python Prototype: get_angle(id)

  • Interface Description: Obtain robot single joint angle control

  • Params

    • id: joint id: 1-7

    • degree: degree

Get Coords

  • Python Prototype: get_coords()

  • Interface Description:

    • Get Cartesian coordinates

Set Joint Angle

  • Python Prototype: send_angle(id, degree, speed)

  • Interface Description: Robot single joint angle control

  • Params

    • id: joint id: 1-7

    • degree: degree

    • speed: speed

Send Coord

  • Python Prototype: send_coord(id, value, speed)
  • Interface Description: Robot single coordinate control

  • Params

    • id: Coordinates: 1-6 correspond to x, y, z, rx, ry, rz respectively
    • value: coord value
    • speed: speed

Angles is in position

  • Python Prototype: is_in_position([j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6,j7],0)

  • Interface Description: Check whether the machine angle reaches the specified position

  • Params:

    • j1: j1 angle value
    • j2: j2 angle value
    • j3: j3 angle value
    • j4: j4 angle value
    • j5: j5 angle value
    • j6: j6 angle value
    • j7: j7 angle value
  • Return:

    • 0: Did not reach the specified location

    • 1: Arrive at designated location

Coords is in position

  • Python Prototype: is_in_position([x,y,z,rx,ry,rz],1)

  • Interface Description: Check whether the machine coord reaches the specified position

  • Params:

    • x coordinate value

    • y coordinate value

    • z coordinate value

    • rx coordinate value

    • ry coordinate value

    • rz coordinate value

  • Return:

    • 0: Did not reach the specified location
    • 1: Arrive at designated location


  • Python Prototype: pause
  • Interface Description: Enter the pause state, suspending all movements of the machine.


  • Python Prototype: resume
  • Interface Description: Exit the pause state and resume machine movement.


  • Python Prototype: stop
  • Interface Description: Stop all movement of the machine.

Is Paused

  • Python Prototype: is_paused
  • Interface Description: Detect whether the machine is in paused state.
  • Return:
    • 0: Not in pause state
    • 1: In paused state
    • -1: Error

Is Moving

  • Python Prototype: is_moving(id, value, speed)
  • Interface Description: Detect whether the machine is moving.
  • Return:
    • 0: The machine is not running
    • 1: The machine is running
    • -1: Machine data error

Jog control category

The so-called jog control is to control the mechanical arm to move in the forward or reverse direction until the movement reaches the limit.

Jog Angle

  • Python Prototype: jog_angle(joint_id,direction,speed)

  • Interface Description: Jog control angle. Control the joint to move in the forward or reverse direction until the movement reaches the joint limit.

  • Params

    • joint_id: (int) joint id: 1 ~ 7
    • direction: direction: 1 / 0
    • speed: speed: 0 ~ 100

Jog Coord

  • Python Prototype: jog_coord(coord_id,direction,speed)

  • Interface Description: Jog control coordinates. Control the coordinates to move in the forward or reverse direction until the movement reaches the joint limit.

  • Params

    • coord_id: coordinate id: 1 ~ 6 (corresponding to X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ)
    • direction: 0 - decrease, 1 - increase
    • speed: speed0 ~ 100

Jog Angle Increment

  • Python Prototype: jog_increment_angle(joint_id,value,speed)

  • Interface Description: Angle step mode. Control the joint to add the given value to the current angle value

  • Params

    • joint_id: (int) joint id: 1 ~ 7
    • value: incremental value
    • speed: speed: 0 ~ 100

Jog Coord Increment

  • Python Prototype: jog_increment_coord(coord_id,value,speed)

  • Interface Description: Coordinate stepping mode. Controls the coordinates to be added to the current value by the given value

  • Params

    • coord_id: coordinate id: 1 ~ 6 (corresponding to X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ)

    • value: incremental value

    • speed: speed0 ~ 100

Coord. system category

Get Tool coordinate system

  • Python Prototype: get_tool_reference()
  • Interface Description: Get the tool coordinate system.
  • Return:
    • (list) [x,y,z,rx,ry,rz]

Set Tool Coord

  • Python Prototype: set_tool_reference(coords)
  • Interface Description: Set the tool coordinate system.
  • Params:
    • (list) [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz]。

Get World Coord

  • Python Prototype: get_world_reference()
  • Interface Description: Get world coordinate system
  • Return:
    • (list) [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz]。

Set World Coord

  • Python Prototype: set_world_reference(coords)

  • Interface Description: Set world coordinate system

  • Params:

    • coords: (list) [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz]。

Get Reference Frame

  • Python Prototype: get_reference_frame()
  • Interface Description: Get the base coordinate system.
  • Return:
    • 0 - Base
    • 1 - Tool。

Set Reference Frame

  • Python Prototype: set_reference_frame(rftype)

  • Interface Description: Set the base coordinate system.

  • Params:
    • rftype: 0 - Base 1 - Tool。

Get Movement Type

  • Python Prototype: get_movement_type()
  • Interface Description: Get the motion type.
  • Return: 1 - movel,0 - moveJ。

Set Movement Type

  • Python Prototype: set_movement_type(move_type)

  • Interface Description: Set the motion type.

  • Params:

    • move_type: 1 - movel,0 - moveJ。

Get End Coord

  • Python Prototype: get_end_type()
  • Interface Description: Get the end coordinate system.
  • Return: 0 - flange, 1 - tool.

Set End Coord

  • Python Prototype: set_end_type(end)

  • Interface Description: Set the end coordinate system.

  • Params:

    • end: 0 - flange, 1 - tool.

Set joint limits category

Get Joint Min Angle

  • Python Prototype: get_joint_min_angle(joint_id)
  • Interface Description: Get the minimum motion angle of the specified joint
  • Params: joint_id: (int)
  • Return:
    • angles(float)

Get Joint Max Angle

  • Python Prototype: get_joint_max_angle(joint_id)
  • Interface Description: Get the maximum motion angle of the specified joint
  • Params: joint_id: (int)
  • Return:
    • anglesfloat)

Set Joint Min Angle

  • Python Prototype: set_joint_min(id, angle)
  • Interface Description: Sets the minimum angle of the specified joint.

  • Params:

    • joint id
    • angle

Set Joint Max Angle

  • Python Prototype: set_joint_max(id, angle)
  • Interface Description: Sets the maximum angle of the specified joint.

  • Params:

    • joint id
    • angle

Base IO status category

Set basic pin output

  • Python Prototype: set_basic_output(id,state)
  • Interface Description: Set base pin output
  • Params:
    • id: pin number
    • state: select output state

Get basic pin output

  • Python Prototype: set_basic_output(id)
  • Interface Description: Get base pin output
  • Params:
    • id: pin
  • Return:
    • Pin input status

Circular motion category


  • Python Prototype: write_move_c(transpoint,endpoint,speed)

  • Interface Description: Arc trajectory motion

  • Params:

    • transpoint: Arc way point(list): [x,y,z,rx,ry,rz]
    • endpoint: Arc end point(list): [x,y,z,rx,ry,rz]

Joint motor setting category

Is Joint Motor Enable

  • Python Prototype: is_servo_enable(servo_id)
  • Interface Description: Determine whether the servo is turned on
  • Params: servo_id (int) 1 ~ 7
  • Return:
    • 0: not enabled
    • 1: enabled
    • -1: error

Is All Joint Motors Enable

  • Python Prototype: is_all_servo_enable()
  • Interface Description: Determine whether all servos are turned on
  • Return:
    • 0: Not all are enabled
    • 1: both are enabled
    • -1: error

Set Joint Motor Calibration

  • Python Prototype: set_servo_calibration(servo_no)
  • Interface Description: Calibrate the joint actuator with the current position as the angle zero point.
  • Params:
    • servo_no: Servo number, 1 - 7.

Release Joint Motor

  • Python Prototype: release_servo(servo_id)
  • Interface Description: The specified joint motor is powered off
  • Params: servo_id: 1 ~ 7

Focus Joint Motor

  • Python Prototype: focus_servo(servo_id)
  • Interface Description: Power on the specified joint motor
  • Params: servo_id: 1 ~ 7

Joint Motor Close/Open brake

  • Python Prototype: joint_brake(servo_id,status)
  • Interface Description: Set the brake state of the specified joint motor
  • Params:
    • servo_id: joint motor 1 ~ 7
    • status: open/closed

Read zero encoder value

  • Python Prototype: get_zero_pos
  • Interface Description: Read the zero encoder value
  • Return:
    • Zero encoder value

Whether the zero position has been set

  • Python Prototype: is_init_calibrated
  • Interface Description: Determine whether zero position has been set
  • Return:
    • True: zero bit set
    • False: zero bit not set

Joint motors status category

Get Joint Motors Velocity

  • Python Prototype: get_servo_speeds()
  • Interface Description: Get Joint Motors Velocity
  • Return:
    • speeds

Get Joint Motors Status

  • Python Prototype: get_servo_status()
  • Interface Description: Get the status of each joint motor
  • Return:
    • status of each joint motor

Get Joint Motor Currents

  • Python Prototype: get_servo_currents()
  • Interface Description: Get the motor current of each joint
  • Return:
    • Motor current of each joint

Restore All Joint Motor

  • Python Prototype: servo_restore(254)
  • Interface Description: Joint motor abnormality recovery Reset all joint motors

Restore Joint Motor

  • Python Prototype: servo_restore(joint_id)
  • Interface Description: Joint motor abnormal recovery
  • Params:
    • joint_id: Joint id: 1-7

End-Effector Tool category

Gripper Control category

Set Pro Adaptive Gripper

  • Python Prototype: set_gripper_enabled(flag)
  • Interface Description: Setting up the Pro Adaptive Gripper
  • Params:
    • flag: Enabled / Release

Set Gripper Calibration

  • Python Prototype: set_gripper_calibration()
  • Interface Description: Set the current position to zero and set the current position value to 2048.

Set Gripper State

  • Python Prototype: set_gripper_state(flag, speed, mode)
  • Interface Description: Set the gripper switch state
  • Params
    • flag: status: open/closed
    • speed : speed: 0 ~ 100
    • mode: gripper type

Get Gripper Value

  • Python Prototype: set_gripper_value(值,speed,模式)
  • Interface Description: get gripper value
  • Params
    • value: value: 0 ~ 100
    • speed: speed: 0 ~ 100
    • mode: gripper type

Set Gripper Mode

  • Python Prototype: set_gripper_mode(status)
  • Interface Description: Set the gripper mode.
  • Params:
    • status : Transparent Transmission / Port Mode.

Get Gripper Mode

  • Python Prototype: get_gripper_mode()

  • Interface Description: get gripper mode

  • Return:

    • 0: Transparent Transmission
    • 1: Port Mode

Atom IO category

setting IO value

  • Python Prototype: set_digital_output(id,state)
  • Interface Description: Set IO value
  • Params
    • id: io serial number
    • state: select state 0 or 1

Get IO value

  • Python Prototype: get_digital_input(id)
  • Interface Description: Read IO value
  • Params
    • id: io serial number

Atom settings category

Set Color

  • Python Prototype: set_color(red=0,green=0,blue=0)
  • Interface Description: Set the color of the end LED light
  • Params:
    • red: Red 0 - 255
    • green: Green 0 -255
    • blue: Blue (0- 255)

Status Monitor category

Operation Status category

Power On

  • Python Prototype: power_on()
  • Interface Description: The machine is powered on and can be controlled

Power on only

  • Python Prototype: power_on_only()
  • Interface Description: When the machine is powered on, the machine is uncontrollable

Power Off

  • Python Prototype: power_off()
  • Interface Description: the machine is powered off

Is Power On

  • Python Prototype: is_power_on()
  • Interface Description: Check whether the robot arm is powered on

  • Return:

    • 1: power on
    • 0: power off
    • -1: error

Release All Servos

  • Python Prototype: release_all_servos()

  • Interface Description: Set the robot arm to free motion mode

Focus all servos

  • Python Prototype: focus_all_servos()
  • Interface Description: Robot opens torque output

Obtain the host computer error status

  • Python Prototype: get_robot_status()
  • Interface Description: Obtain the error safety status of the host computer
  • Return:
    • status information

Read joint exception times

  • Python Prototype: get_comm_error_counts(joint_id,type)
  • Interface Description: Get the number of joint abnormalities
  • Params:
    • joint_id: joint id: 1-7
    • type: exception type
  • Return:
    • Number of exceptions

Set the position deviation value

  • Python Prototype: set_pos_over_shoot(value)

  • Interface Description: Set the position deviation value

  • Params:

    • value: position deviation value

Read position out of tolerance value

  • Python Prototype: get_pos_over_shoot
  • Interface Description: Read position out-of-tolerance value
  • Return:
    • Position out of tolerance value

System Information category

Get Master Control Info

  • Python Prototype: get_system_version()
  • Interface Description: Get Master Control Info
  • Return:
    • Master Control Info

Get End Firmware Info

  • Python Prototype: get_atom_version()
  • Interface Description: Get the terminal firmware version
  • Return:
    • End firmware version

Get robot type

  • Python Prototype: get_robot_type()
  • Interface Description: Get the robot model
  • Return:
    • Get the robot model

Go zero when joints over limit

  • Python Prototype: over_limit_return_zero
  • Interface Description: The machine returns to zero after exceeding the limit

Get Error Information

  • Python Prototype: get_error_information()
  • Interface Description: Get error message
  • Return:
    • Get error message

Clear Error Information

  • Python Prototype: clear_error_information()
  • Interface Description: Clear error message

Other category

Deflection angle category

Get the value of deflect angle in null space

  • Python Prototype: get_solution_angles()
  • Interface Description: Get the zero space deflection angle value
  • Return值:
    • J1_angle_low: -90 ~ +90
    • J1_angle_high: -90 ~ +90

Set the value of deflect angle in null space

  • Python Prototype: set_solution_angles(J1_angle,speed)
  • Interface Description: Get the zero space deflection angle value
  • Params:
    • J1_angle: -90 ~ +90
    • speed: 1-100

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