
1 Company Profile

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Elephant Robotics is based in Shenzhen, China, and is a high-tech enterprise focusing on robot R&D, design, and automation solutions.

The company is dedicated to providing highly flexible collaborative robots, easy-to-learn operating systems, and intelligent automation solutions for robotics education and scientific research institutions, commercial scenarios, and industrial production. Elephant Robotics has earned unanimous recognition and praise from several factories of the world's top 500 companies in countries such as South Korea, Japan, the United States, Germany, Italy, and Greece.

Adhering to the vision of "Enjoy Robots World," Elephant Robotics advocates collaborative work between humans and robots, aiming to make robots valuable assistants in work and life. The company seeks to help people liberate themselves from simple, repetitive, and monotonous tasks, leveraging the benefits of human-machine collaboration to enhance work efficiency and create a better new life.

In the future, Elephant Robotics aspires to propel the robot industry's development through cutting-edge technology and collaboratively usher in a new era of automation and intelligence.

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2 Development Process

2016.08 ----- Elephant Robot Co., Ltd. was officially established.

2016.08 ----- Entered HAX incubator and obtained SOSV seed round investment.

2016.08 ----- Started developing Elephant S industrial collaborative robot.

2017.01 ----- Awarded "Top 10 Most Innovative Companies in China at CES."

2017.04 ----- Attended Hannover Industrial Fair and Korea Automation Exhibition.

2017.07 ----- The two founders were selected as "30 Business Elites Under 30" by Forbes Asia.

2017.10 ----- Launched the fifth generation single-arm industrial collaborative robot Elephant S.

2018.04 ----- Obtained angel round investment from "Cloud Angel Fund."

2018.06 ----- First public appearance at the 2018 Hannover World Industrial Fair.

2018.06 ----- Received the "Intelligent Manufacturing Entrepreneurship MBA Award" from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.

2018.06 ----- Received the "X-elerator Award" from Tsinghua SEM.

2018.11 ----- Won second place in the Shenzhen Division of the Asian Intelligent Hardware Competition.

2018.11 ----- Won the "Most Investment Enterprise Award" at the Golden Globe Award.

2019.03 ----- Won the "Leadership Award" at the Golden Globe Award.

2019.04 ----- March 2019 Catbot won the "Industrial Robot Innovation Award."

2019.09 ----- Attended Huawei European Ecosystem Conference (HCE) and officially became a member of Huawei’s ecological partners.

2019.11 ----- Elephant Robot and Harbin Institute of Technology attended the IROS International Intelligent Robots and Systems Conference.

2019.12 ----- Elephant Robot-South China University of Technology's "Intelligent Robot Joint Development Laboratory" was officially unveiled.

2019.12 ----- Won the 2019 "Innovation Technology Award" from Gaogong.

2019.12 ----- Won the "Top Ten Fast-Growing Enterprises" of Gaogong in 2019.

2019.12 ----- Won the Shenzhen Equipment Industry-Industrial Robot Segment-"New Enterprise Award."

2019.12 ----- Launched the world’s first bionic robotic cat, MarsCat.

2020.05 ----- The founder won the 2019 Shenzhen Robot Emerging Figure Award.

2020.10 ----- Launched myCobot, the world’s lightest and smallest six-axis collaborative robot.

2021.03 ----- Launched myCobotPro 320, the smallest collaborative robot for scientific research.

2021.05 ----- MarsCat received competing reports from Xinhua Finance, China Daily, Nanjing Daily, Harbin Daily, and other media.

2021.07 ----- Released the smallest composite robot chassis – the little elephant mobile robot myAGV.

2021.09 ----- Launched the world's first fully wrapped four-axis robotic arm - the little elephant palletizing robotic arm myPalletizer.

2022.01 ----- Obtained a series of reports from 36 Chlorine and Geek Park on the role of Elephant Robot in the light consumer robot industry.

2022.02 ----- MarsCat and myCobot appeared in the Spring Festival Gala live video broadcast and participated in Shenzhen Satellite TV’s special New Year program.

2022.05 ----- Launched the most compact small six-axis robotic arm mechArm, capable of artificial intelligence robot education.

2022.06 ----- Combined with Unity engine, based on myCobot robot, launched artificial intelligence robot practical introduction book + books (international courses).

2022.07 ----- Released metaCat, a simulation companion robot cat in the artificial intelligence era.

2022.07 ----- Released mybuddy, the smallest dual-arm collaborative robot in history.

2022.08 ----- Won the "Top Ten Non-Industrial Technology Innovation Awards."

2022.08 ----- The founder won the "2022 Shenzhen Robot Emerging Figure Award."

2022.11 ----- First runner-up in iFLYTEK AI Developer Competition real-time engagement (real-time interaction) track.

2022.11 ----- Best Robot Award at 2022 World Acoustic Expo 1024 Science and Technology Expo.

2022.12 ----- CCTV report.

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