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MercuryCpp 编译运行

1 .下载



1.2 动态库下载

Dependency library download(如需下载最新版本,请选择“Windows”或“Linux”,Windows操作系统需下载后缀。zip, Linux操作系统需下载。tar.gz)

2 在Linux上运行



  • mkdir build && cd build
  • cmake ..
  • cmake --build .

    2.2 运行

  • 命令行运行:。/MercuryLIB(在本例中,从构建目录)



MercuryCpp Compile run

1 Download

1.1 Source code download

Download it on githubMycobotCpp

1.2 Dynamic library download

Dependency library download(To download the latest version, select Windows or Linux, suffix.zip is the required library for Windows,.tar.gz is the required library for Linux)

2 Run on Linux

Copy the serial folder and mercurylib folder to the er/ directory. serial is the serial communication library, and mercurylib is the c++ library. My own code is written in main.cpp.

2.1 Compile and build

  • mkdir build && cd build
  • cmake ..
  • cmake --build .

    2.2 Run

  • Command line run:./MercuryLIB (in this case, from the build directory)

Look out

If you do not compile with cmake, as if you are using it directly in MFC, configure as shown below:

b4cbb522d469c9fae1bce398ab2eea533b152ea9 12-2-4.3-001

results matching ""

    No results matching ""