ultraArm P340



UltraArm P340 is a palletizing collaboration robot arm based on open source technology. He is used for education, research and personal interest creation


ultraArm P340 is made of aluminum alloy,which will meet your requirements for robustness,accuracy(±0.1mm) and repeatability(±0.1mm)

ultraArm P340 is based on Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS2 FOX, and benefits from the full open source of Arduino development board and high-performance 8-bit ATMEGA2560-16AU AVR processor

In order to find a robot arm with higher performance, we adopt a new type of servo motor with silent stepping technology, which can significantly reduce the noise level and heat generation of the robot arm

ultraArm P340 is a cooperative mechanical arm perfectly used in combination with the package, python development kit, ROS2 robot operating system and other creation-learning platforms helps you complete a variety of program designs, analyze the simplest to complex programs one by one, and respond to your needs in a bright and flexible way

ultraArm P340 End tool specification

With our new EasyConnect system(quick change), you can easily install tools on the ultraArm P340.

Just plug in your tool, connect its cable to the base control stopboard, and you can use it immediately

ultraArm P340 suitable for a variety of end tools

  • Plug and play pen clip to clip a variety of common watercolor pens and signature pens;
  • Laser engraving, using multiple optical engraving materials (kraft paper, linden wood, acrylic, metal paint, etc.);
  • Adaptive gripper enables ultraArm to grasp objects with complex shapes
  • Quickly change the steering gear, so that the ultraArm can quickly switch between 3/4 degrees of freedom
  • Vacuum air pump, which can grasp plane and objects with non porous surfaces
  • Lego conversion flange, easy and fast to use Lego hole splicing

The ecology of ultraArm P340 is designed to enable teachers and students to create, learn, experience and promote advanced use cases of machine vision, writing, painting and laser carving

Machine Vision


Machine vision enables the ultraArm P340 to detect objects and select objects you want to interact with. It is equipped with a camera and objects of different shapes and colors, allowing you to study topics such as image processing, machine learning and artificial intelligence through visual contributions. This set includes:

  • Specific Identifiable Workspaces;
  • Camera;
  • Many different colors and shapes of objects, using our built-in recognition system based on color and shape. Easy creation of mechanical visual sorting and packaging applications without special programming knowledge
  • It is used to place different types of items
Conveyor belt

Conveyor belt is one of the important components of intelligent factory


The conveyor belt kit consists of the following parts:

  • An installable metal workspace,various components such as conveyor belt can be directly installed in the working space;
  • Object height detection equipment monitored by distance sensor;
  • End stop to stop the object when the object reaches the end of the conveyor belt
  • Camera;
  • Sensor control box;
  • A variety of objects with different colors and shapes, using our built-in recognition system based on colors and shapes;
  • It is used to place different types of items
Slide rail

Slide rail is one of the important components of intelligent factory


The slide rail kit consists of the following parts:

  • An installable metal workspace,various components such as slide rail can be directly installed in the working space;
  • End stop to stop the object when the object reaches the end of the conveyor belt
  • Camera;
  • Sensor control box;
  • A variety of objects with different colors and shapes, using our built-in recognition system based on colors and shapes;
  • It is used to place different types of items
Writing and painting

Interesting DIY scene, providing full creation space for individual users


The writing and painting kit consists of the following parts:

  • An installable acrylic workspace with a magnetic fixed area and a specific identifiable workspace;
  • Plug and play pen clip to clip a variety of common watercolor pens and signature pens;
  • A variety of pictures and patterns, using our built-in robot trajectory generation system. No special programming knowledge is required to easily create interesting and rich creations.
Laser engraving

Light carving, high enjoyment of future and innovation


The laser engraving kit consists of the following parts:

  • An installable acrylic workspace with a magnetic fixed area and a specific identifiable workspace;
  • Laser engraving, using multiple optical engraving materials (kraft paper, linden wood, acrylic, metal paint, etc.);
  • A variety of pictures and patterns, using our built-in robot trajectory generation system. No special programming knowledge is required to easily create interesting and rich creations.

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