Drive Related

1 About Python

<<<<<<< HEAD Q:send_coords([x,y,z,rx,ry,rz], speed, 1)What do the parameters in this API mean.What are the Euler angles corresponding to rx, ry and rz?What is the rotation order of Euler angles?And what is the value range of each parameter?

- A:The parameters in the preceding array are the end coordinates of the mechanical arm,speed is speed,the last parameter is motion mode. rx, ry, and rz correspond to rpy, that is, they correspond to roll, pitch, and yaw respectively.Euler angle order is zyx,zyx is its own coordinate. The value range of X,Y and Z is -300~300.00(The value range is undefined. If it exceeds the range, inverse kinesthetics no solution prompt will be returned),The range of rx, ry, and rz is -180~180.

Q:send_coords([x,y,z], speed)这个API中的各个参数是什么意思?以及各个参数的取值范围是多少?

  • A:前面数组里的参数是机械臂的末端坐标,speed是速度。X、Y、Z取值范围是-300~300.00


Q:Is a sample tutorial of Python API provided?

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Q:How to run the Python drag example tutorial demo of mycobot280-Pi?

  • A:Running at the terminal,Please enter 1000000 baud rate。

Q:mycobot280-Pi uses Python zero to calibrate the demo program. Why is there an error?

  • A:The atom firmware has not been burned. Please burn the atom firmware before running the program.

Q:Is the Python API of different versions of mechanical arm the same?

  • A:The API is the same.

2 About ROS


  • A:我司已分类给出能够运行的Python demo,具体代码点击下面子章节即可看到


2 关于ROS


Q:How does a microcontroller based manipulator and a microprocessor based manipulator operate ROS?

  • A:The robot arm based on microcontroller is currently on Ubuntu. You can also develop your own ros。The microprocessor-based robot arm has its own ROS environment and can be used directly.

<<<<<<< HEAD Q:Can microprocessor-based robotic arm be connected to pc to use ros and moveit?

  • A:The current open source materials have no direct communication control. You can modify the existing node files through ros+socket to achieve.

Q:Can you provide files and programming cases of the rviz model?



<<<<<<< HEAD Q:Can myAGV build maps remotely?

  • A:Remote mapping is available. Our is the control interface of open-source ROS.



Q:Why are errors permission denied:'/dev/ttyUSB0' reported when starting the rviz model file with ROS?

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- A:It is because no serial port permission is given。The sudo chmod 777 port name should be entered in the terminal.

  • A:是因为没有给串口权限。应该在终端里输入sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0。


Q:When running the slider control and model follow commands of ros,Why occur _init_() takes exactly 2 arguments(3 given)

  • A:The pymycobot library is not installed and started

Q:When using ROS, why is the mechanical arm angle inconsistent with the model angle after the rviz model is opened?

  • A:It is likely that the zero position of the mechanical arm is not calibrated, and it is necessary to calibrate the zero position of the mechanical arm.

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