Detailed Description of API Method

When using the following function interfaces, please import our API library at the beginning, otherwise the operation cannot succeed, that is, enter the following code:

#For Mira Series
from pymycobot.ultraArm import ultraArm

Note: If our API library is not installed, please refer to Python environment setup section to install。

1 Overall operation state of mechanical arm

1.1 go_zero()

  • Function: The mechanical arm returns to zero.
  • Return value: None

1.2 power_on()

  • Function: All joints of the mechanical arm are powered on.
  • Return value: None

1.3 release_all_servos()

  • Function: Power failure of all joints of mechanical arm
  • Return value: None

2 Input program control mode (MDI mode)

Note:The limit of different series of mechanical arms is different, and the attitude value can be set is also different. For details, see the parameter introduction of the corresponding model

2.1 get_angles_info()

  • Function: Get the current angle of the mechanical arm.
  • Return value: list a list of floating point values representing the angles of all joints

2.2 set_angle(id, degree, speed)

  • Function: Send the specified single joint motion to the specified angle
  • Parameter description:
    • id: Represents the joint of the mechanical arm. The three axes have three joints, which can be represented by the number 1-3.
    • degree: Represents the angle of the joint
    • speed:It represents the speed of the mechanical arm movement, ranging from 0 to 100 (unit: mm/s).
  • Return value: None

2.3 set_angles(degrees, speed)

  • Function: Send all angles to all joints of the mechanical arm
  • Parameter description:
    • degrees: (List[float]) include angles of all joints ,the three-axis robot has three joints, so the length is 3, and the representation method is: [20, 20, 20]
    • speed: It represents the speed of the mechanical arm movement, and the value range is 0-100 (unit: mm/s).
  • Return value: None

2.4 get_coords_info()

  • Function: Get the current coordinates of the mechanical arm.
  • Return value: list include list of coordinates, θ is Rotation angle at the end
    • Triaxial:The length is 3, which is in turn [x, y, z, θ]

2.5 send_coord(id,coord,speed)

  • Function: Send a single coordinate value to the mechanical arm for movement
  • Parameter description:
    • id:Represents the coordinates of the mechanical arm. The three axes have three coordinates and have a specific representation method. Representation of X coordinate:"X"or"x".
    • coord: Enter the coordinate value you want to reach
    • speed: It represents the speed of the mechanical arm movement, and the range is 0-100 (unit: mm/s).
  • Return value: None

2.6 set_coords(coords, speed)

  • Function: Send the overall coordinates so that the head of the mechanical arm moves from the original point to the point you specify.
  • Parameter description:
    • coords:
      • Triaxial:The coordinate value of [x, y, z], with a length of 3
    • speed: It represents the speed of the mechanical arm movement, and the range is 0-100 (unit: mm/s).
  • Return value: None

2.7 get_radians_info()

  • Function: Get the current radian value of the mechanical arm.
  • Return value: List list containing all joint radian values

2.8 set_radians(radians, speed)

  • Function: Send radian values to all joints of the mechanical arm
  • Parameter Description
    • radians: List of radian values for each joint( List[float])
    • speed: It represents the speed of the mechanical arm movement, and the range is 0-100 (unit: mm/s).
  • Return value: None

2.9 set_mode()

  • Function: Set Coordinate Mode
  • Parameter Description
    • 0:Absolute Cartesian mode
    • 1:Relative Cartesian mode
  • Return value: None

2.10 sleep()

  • Function: Delay
  • Parameter Description
    • Time: Time delayed( Inttype),
  • Return value: None

2.12 set_init_pose()

  • Function: Set the current position as a fixed position,for example(0,0,0),set this position to zero
  • Parameter Description
    • coords: All coordinates of mechanical arm
    • speed: It represents the speed of the mechanical arm movement, and the range is 0-100 (unit: mm/s).
  • Return value: None

2.13 set_pwm()

  • Function: Set PWM duty cycle
  • Parameter description: P:Duty cycle,Range: 0-255
  • Return value: None

2.14 set_fan_state()

  • Function: Set Fan Status
  • Parameter Description
    • 0: close
    • 1: open
  • Return value: None

2.15 get_switch_state()

  • Function: Get limit switch status
  • Parameter Description
    • X:Whether joint 3 reaches the limit position
    • Y:Whether joint 2 reaches the limit position
    • Z:Whether joint 1 reaches the limit position
  • Return value: Yes

2.16 set_speed_mode(mode)

  • Function: Set speed mode
  • Parameter Description
    • 0: Uniform speed mode
    • 2: Acceleration and deceleration mode
  • Return value: None

3 JOG mode and operation

3.1 set_jog_angle(id, direction, speed)

  • Function: Set inching mode (angle)
  • Parameter Description
    • id: Represents the joint of the mechanical arm, which is represented by 1~3 joint id
    • direction: It mainly controls the moving direction of the machine arm. Input 0 is negative move and input 1 is positive move
    • speed: Speed 0~100 (unit: mm/s)
  • Return value: None

3.2 set_jog_coord(axis, direction, speed)

  • Function: Control the robot to move continuously according to the specified coordinates or attitude values
  • Parameter Description
    • axis: Represents the joint of the mechanical arm, which is represented by the x/y/z given by the axis of the joint
    • direction: It mainly controls the moving direction of the machine arm. Input 0 is negative move and input 1 is positive move
    • speed: Speed 0~100 (unit: mm/s)
  • Return value: None

3.3 set_jog_stop()

  • Function: Stop continuous movement under the control of jog
  • Return value: None

4 IO control

4.1 set_gpio_state(state)

  • Function: Set suction pump status
  • Parameter Description
    • state (int):Input 0 indicates that the suction pump is started, and input 1 indicates that the suction pump is closed
  • Return value: None

4.2 set_gripper_zero()

  • Function: Set gripper zero position(Set the current position to zero)
  • Return value: None

4.3 set_gripper_state(state):

  • Function: Set gripper switch
  • Parameter Description state:Input 0 to open the gripper, and input 1 to close the gripper
  • Return value: None

5 Functional interface

5.1 play_gcode_file(filename)

  • Function: Play imported track files
  • Parameter description:
    • filename :Track file name
  • Return value: None

6 Use Cases

import time
import platform
from pymycobot.ultraArm import ultraArm

# Automatically select the system and connect the mechanical arm
if platform.system() == "Windows":
    ua = ultraArm('COM6', 115200)
elif platform.system() == "Linux":
    ua = ultraArm('/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200)

# Position of mechanical arm movement
angles = [
    [-81.71, 0.0, 0.0],
    [-90.53, 21.77, 47.56],
    [-90.53, 0.0, 0.0],
    [-59.01, 21.77, 45.84],
    [-59.01, 0.0, 0.0]

# Suck small pieces
ua.set_angles(angles[0], 50)
ua.set_angles(angles[1], 50)

# Start suction pump

ua.set_angles(angles[2], 50)
ua.set_angles(angles[3], 50)

# Close the suction pump

ua.set_angles(angles[4], 50)

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