Gripper control

Installing the gripper:

  • For an adaptive gripper, insert it on the pin on the atom, as shown in the following figure:

  • For an electric gripper, insert it into the 485 interface on the top, as shown in the following figure:

    1 The equipment that the adaptive gripper

    supports: myCobot280, myCobot320 and myPalletizer 260.
    Function description:
  • Run RoboFlow, enter the program editing interface, and select M5Stack-basic – Gripper (For the way to enter the program editing interface, see 6.2 Simple use of RoboFlow);
  • click Define New Gripper, fill in Gripper Name as " CAG-1 ” (must be this name), and then click Save;
  • select open or close for Saved status. The overall steps are shown in the following figure:

2 Electric gripper

It supports myCobot320. Function Description:

  • Run RoboFlow and select M5Stack-basic – Gripper ;
  • click Define New Gripper, fill in Gripper Name as "DH PGE 8” (must be this name), and then click Save;
  • select open or close for Saved status. The overall steps are shown in the following figure:

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